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Toulouse Space Week
October 2, 2023 - October 3, 2023

Network among the leaders who create “Tomorrow”
For the first time, Toulouse Space Week will offer a Premium service in the organization of Qualified business meetings for Top-Level Decision-makers and networking activities including Networking Lunches and Dinner.
In addition to our Space Events (Industry Space Days Noordwijk, Paris Space Week, Space com UK, Space4Telecom, Space4Mobility, New Space Show, Space4earth, Farnborough Space Meetings, CSG Industry days, Space crash avoided, Space hardware, Earth Station meetings, Space social alumni ), TSW will increase your R.O.I* based on:
Time dedicated to a business experience (BtoB Meeting and targeted conferences)
Premium visits where you will build long term human relations with the partners you will meet on the event.
TSW is dedicated to people because the changes in usage over the last three years require a deeper and more transparent discovery of its future working partners.
TSW will ensure a high Return on investment through a fair pricing policy and an average number of very important Qualified leads.