Sentinel-1A Radar Scans of Greenland Ice Streams

Greenland Ice Streams
This image combines two Sentinel-1A radar scans from 3 and 15 January 2015 to show ice velocities on outlet glaciers of Greenland’s west coast.
Sentinel-1 offers excellent capabilities for observing the velocities of Greenland’s outlet glaciers with unprecedented temporal resolution at complete spatial coverage, extending and enhancing the time series of ice-velocity maps available from previous satellite sensors.
This image is from a selection of results from 2015 Fringe Workshop on advances in the science and applications of ‘SAR interferometry’. The 2015 Fringe Workshop was held at ESRIN, ESA’s centre for Earth observation, in Frascati, Italy on 2327 March.
Credit: Copernicus data (2015)/ESA/Enveo Larger image