Orbital View Of Syr Darya River Flowing Through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

Thomas Pesquet: Framing is everything, the Syr Darya river at two zoom levels: the winding rivers remind me of wisps of smoke. At the borders of the river you can see the #CropArt where humans have naturally started growing food using the life-giving water a river brings.
Note how on one picture a river bend seems to have been cut off by a canal, it looks like a shortcut but undoubtedly used for irrigation.
Les méandres du fleuve Syr-Daria en Asie centrale semblent dessiner des volutes de fumée. Sur les rives s’étendent des champs cultivés grâce à la proximité de l’eau. L’une des photos montre notamment un canal, on dirait un raccourci sur la berge mais c’est très certainement utilisé pour l’irrigation.
Credits: ESA/NASA-T. Pesquet Larger image