Omaheke, Namibia As Seen Fron Orbit By Sentinel-2

Omaheke (Otjiherero: Sandveld) is one of the fourteen regions of Namibia, the least populous region. Its capital is Gobabis.
It lies in eastern Namibia on the border with Botswana and is the western extension of the Kalahari desert.
The self-governed villages of Otjinene, Leonardville and Witvlei are situated in the region. As of 2020, Omaheke had 48,594 registered voters.
The agricultural patterns of this region is to a large extent homogenous. Most of the 900 commercial and 3,500 communal farmers in this area are cattle breeders. A regional office of the Ministry of Agriculture, serving the whole region, is based in Gobabis.
Hunting, including trophy hunting, is one of the major sources of income for the region. This takes place mainly in the winter months, from June to August. During these months, tourists from the northern hemisphere can be seen in the area, enjoying the mild and dry winter climate and collecting trophies.