A Virtual Training Series Begins on Remote Sensing for Tribal Lands

NASA’s Indigenous Peoples Pilot is holding an 8-part virtual training series as an introduction on how to use NASA data on tribal lands. The live webinars include lectures and hands-on demonstrations.
The series is a collaboration with the United Tribes Technical College and includes an introduction to remote sensing, details on land cover classification and how to conduct change detection and time-series analysis as well an overview of remote sensing web tools.
Each theme will also focus on the lands of a tribal partner such as the Navajo Nation, the Sault St. Marie band of Chippewa Indians, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, the Tulalip Tribes and others. For each theme, the trainers are joined by tribal members from the region to discuss the importance of remote sensing to natural and cultural resource management.
The live courses are each Tuesday and Thursday in October and began on Oct. 6. Total capacity for the live courses is limited but registration is still available at the website, An Introduction to Remote Sensing on Tribal Lands. Recordings of the sessions are available at a NASA YouTube Playlist titled, Indigenous Peoples Capacity Building Initiative – Virtual Training Series.
The Indigenous Peoples Pilot focuses on building relationships across NASA and Indigenous communities through place-based remote sensing training and community engagement. The training course uses the software program ArcGIS Pro and the Open Source Geographic Information System known as QGIS, which is free and open to the public