NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 15 December 2013

Today: External Thermal Control System (ETCS) Loop A Status: ETCS Loop A is still operating without full temperature control. The Loop A Interface Heat Exchangers (IFHX) remains bypassed and isolated, preventing internal heat rejection on loop A. ETCS Loop B continues to operate nominally.
MCC-H continues performing tests on ETCS Loop A to determine if they can regain enough temperature control to allow the Node 2 IFHX to be reintegrated. Due to the loss of heat rejection for the Node 2 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL), half of the power loads in the Node 2, JEM and Columbus modules remain powered off.
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation: Flight Engineer (FE)-5 Mastracchio and FE-6 Wakata conducted EVA related activities in preparation for possible Contingency EVAs this coming week. Today’s activities included a loop scrub for EMUs 3005 and 3010, tool configuration, battery recharging, Generic Thermal EVA Cover (GTEC) build, and snorkel build. In addition, Wakata reviewed a draft set of robotics procedures that would be used in support of EVA.
Water Processing Assembly (WPA) Fault: Overnight, WPA experienced a fault during an attempt to start a processing run. Initial indications point towards a Mostly Liquid Separator (MLS) over speed condition. The software is designed to shutdown the WPA if the MLS speed exceeds 3000 RPM. Telemetry indicated that the MLS speed had reached 3120 RPM. Since the fault, Flight Controllers have attempted to restart WPA twice without success. Potable water has been pumped into the system in order to meet crew needs. Teams continue to evaluate the problem in order to come up with a troubleshooting plan. A spare MLS Pump is located onboard ISS in the event replacement is required.
Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) MDM Swap: Flight Controllers transitioned the GNC MDM’s from GNC-2 to GNC-1 in order to protect against a next worse failure scenario. The configuration insures that critical MDMs are not all located under the same power channels during the timeframe when a Lab Contingency Jumper is to be installed later this week.
Today’s Planned Tasks
ACS-HP O2 Bypass Config [Complete]
EMU Loop Scrub Part 1 [Complete]
EMU LLB Charge Terminate [Complete]
BIOME Survey Questionnaire [Complete]
EMU Loop Scrub Part 2 [Complete]
ACS-HP O2 Nominal Config [Complete]
EMU LLB install [Complete]
???-MNT [Complete]
BSA Recharge Init [Complete]
ROBO Procedures Review [Complete]
EVA Crew Tether Inspections [Complete]
EVA Pump Module EVA 1 Tool Config
EVA GTEC Build [Complete]
WRM MRF Filter Install [Complete]
WRM MRF Flow [Complete]
WRM Condensate Tank Connect [Complete]
EVA Procedures Print [Complete]
EMU LLB Charge Init [Complete]
Snorkel Build [Complete]
USOS Window Shutters Close [Complete]
WRM MRF Purge [Complete]
Task List
ARED Cylinder Evacuation [Complete]
EMU H2O in EMU Review [Complete]
???-? R&R
Preparation of reports for Roskosmos site
URAGAN. Observations and Photography
ECON-M. Observations and Photography
SEINER Ocean Observations
Node 1 IMV Fan Clean [Complete]
National Geographic B-Role
Cosmo Media Audit [Complete]
Kubik 6 Belt Search
National Engr Week Message
P/TV Trash
PPS Wipe
Pre-gather COL A/L
Pre-gather Empty CTBs
Nominal Commanding [Complete]
GNC 2-1 MDM Transition [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Monday, 12/16: EVA procedure review, Equipment Lock Prep, Snorkel and HAP Install
Tuesday, 12/17: EVA Tool Gather, MDCA Hardware Replace, Body Measurement, Tonometry
Wednesday, 12/18: TBD
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Stop
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up