Status Report

House Rpt.108-401 – NASA Excerpts (part 2)

By SpaceRef Editor
December 2, 2003
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Part 1|2


Appropriates $7,929,900,000 for science, aeronautics and exploration instead of $7,707,900,000 as proposed by the House and $7,730,507,000 as proposed by the Senate. Includes language as proposed by the Senate which allows funding to be used for restoration of facilities.

The amount provided includes the following reductions to the budget request:

1. $8,000,000 from the Space Interferometer Mission;

2. $20,000,000 from Project Prometheus;

3. $10,000,000 from the Beyond Einstein program; and

4. $11,000,000 from the Global Climate Change Research Polarimeter program;

The conferees agree that the high radiation environment the Jupiter Icy Moons (JIM) mission is expected to encounter calls for development of low-cost hardened microcircuit devices for the JIM mission and is encouraged that the Jet Propulsion Lab is undertaking an immediate effort to validate new technology in time for its use on the JIM mission. The conferees share the concern expressed by the Senate regarding the Project Prometheus program, particularly uncertainties in the mission design, and the dependence on the new unproven technologies. For these reasons, the conferees direct NASA to provide specific program milestones and funding paths for all elements of Project Prometheus and report progress to the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate on a quarterly basis. All funding lines should include a full run-out of costs for at least 10 years. The first quarterly report is due on December 31, 2003.

The conferees are in agreement with the House direction for NASA to evaluate the level of stipends for its Graduate Student Research Program and the Earth System Science Fellowships as well as the House direction for an evaluation on the merits of expanding its use of graduate fellowships. Both reports are due not later than June 30, 2004.

The conferees share the concern of the House with regard to the establishment of a National Program Office for air traffic management development and direct NASA to report to the Committees on Appropriations by March 31, 2004 on efforts to establish the Office.

The conferees remain strongly supportive of the Center of Excellence for Aerospace Propulsion Particulate Emissions Reduction established at the University of Missouri-Rolla’s Cloud and Aerosol Sciences Lab and expect NASA to develop a plan to utilize the Center’s capabilities on an ongoing basis.

The conferees are aware that two of the three Virtual Airspace Modeling and Simulation (VAMS) programs being developed for the Federal Aviation Administration have been fully funded in NASA’s budget submission. The conferees also note that the third program, Display System Replacement (DSR) enhancements, is a two-year, $15,000,000 effort that has not received adequate funding in the request. Because of the importance of these programs, the conferees expect that NASA fully fund all three programs in fiscal year 2004, including $8,000,000 for DSR, and provide sufficient resources in the fiscal year 2005 submission to ensure their completion by the close of the fiscal year.

The conferees direct NASA to task the GSFC EOSDIS Project Office to develop the initial baseline architecture and information technology blueprint for the future EOSDIS and

expect this activity to mirror the direction proposed in Senate Report 108-143. The conferees wish to reiterate that all future earth science enterprise missions should take full advantage of the existing EOSDIS system rather than creating individual `stove pipe’ ground systems that will diminish the integrated architecture developed over the last dozen years.

The conferees are aware that technical problems affecting the Landsat 7 satellite threaten the nation’s ability to continue providing land remote sensing data. The Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-555) directed the Landsat Program Manager to evaluate the options for a successor land remote sensing system to Landsat 7 and set forth four options for developing a successor system. To ensure that the U.S. Government does not experience a loss of remote land sensing capabilities which would jeopardize the nation’s domestic, foreign policy and national security interests, the conferees instruct NASA to immediately begin developing a successor to the Landsat 7 system in accordance with P.L. 102-555. Furthermore, the conferees instruct NASA, working in conjunction with the United States Geological Survey, to develop a successor system that may be implemented in the near term based on the remaining options cited in the Land Remote Sensing Policy Act. It is the conferee’s expectation that NASA will include in its FY 2005 budget justification a detailed plan and timeline for developing a successor system to Landsat 7.

The conferees have provided an additional $8,500,000 for the NPOESS Preparatory Project to initiate the mission’s science data system through the EOSDIS Core System at the Goddard Space Flight Center. Such a system should have capabilities to: process Level 1 data; distribute it to not less than five Climate Analysis and Research Systems (CARS) for higher level processing; and archiving all Level 1 data and products resulting from higher level processing activities. The conferees believe NASA, through the GSFC-ECS, must assume responsibility for this critical portion of the NPP to avoid significant gaps in the utilization of the mission’s data and expect NASA to subsequently budget for it beyond fiscal year 2004.

The conferees agree, that within the total funding provided, $25,325,000 shall be for the National Space Grant College and Fellowship program as specified in the House report and $10,000,000 shall be for the EPSCoR program.

The conferees agree to the following additions to the budget submission:

1. $1,000,000 for the GSFC COM Simulation Architecture Project;

2. $1,000,000 for the Alabama Supercomputer Education Outreach program;

3. $1,000,000 for the Pulsed Power and Energetic Research Center at the University of Huntsville, Alabama;

4. $1,000,000 for Science, Engineering, Math and Aerospace Academy programs. The Academy is to be established at Albany State College in Georgia;

5. $250,000 for the National Science Center Foundation of Augusta, Georgia for its Learning Logic Program;

6. $1,000,000 for aircraft engine research, including research being done in conjunction with the Department of Defense;

7. $150,000 for the North Alabama Planetarium Initiative;

8. $900,000 to Alabama A&M University–Advanced Space Propulsion Material Research and Technology Center;

9. $1,500,000 to the BizTech High Technology Business Incubator;

10. $2,000,000 to the In-Space Propulsion program for High-Power Pulsed Inductive Thruster technology research, utilizing a vector inversion pulsed generator to pre-ionize the propellant at an exceptionally high frequency;

11. $1,000,000 for remote sensing infrastructure at the University of Miami Center for Southeastern Tropical Remote Sensing (CSTARS) in Miami-Dade County, Florida;

12. $500,000 for Southeast Missouri State University’s NASA Educator Resource Center;

13. $2,200,000 for the Education Advancement Alliance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for education grants and scholarships;

14. $250,000 for Rutgers for continued construction of a research and teaching facility on its Busch Campus in Piscataway, New Jersey;

15. $250,000 for Middle Tennessee State University for K-12 Science Education Enhancements;

16. $500,000 for the Northwestern University’s Institute for Proteomics and Nanotechnology;

17. $2,300,000 for the NASA–Illinois Technology Commercialization Center at DuPage County Research Park;

18. $300,000 to develop a high temperature nanotechnology research program;

19. $300,000 for a national Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance test bed;

20. $300,000 for the Biological and Physical Research Rack on the ISS;

21. $500,000 for the Industrial Technology Institute at Cleveland State University;

22. $800,000 for an Aerospace Education Center in Cleveland, Ohio;

23. $800,000 for the Glennan Microsystems Initiative;

24. $200,000 for the Bowling Green State University Hybrid Engine project;

25. $500,000 for the Ohio View Consortium;

26. $1,300,000 for the University of Toledo Turbine Institute;

27. $1,000,000 for the Garrett Morgan Commercialization Initiative in Ohio;

28. $200,000 for the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois for its Cosmic Gateway Teacher Training program;

29. $1,000,000 for Michigan SATS Incorporated;

30. $2,000,000 for the Michigan Technology Commercialization Corporation to identify and develop new medical materials and technologies which have the ability to provide low cost alternatives to current therapies;

31. $300,000 for the Center for Science and Mathematics at the University of Redlands, California;

32. $2,500,000 for continued Space Radiation Research at Loma Linda University Medical Center;

33. $300,000 for Fulton Montgomery Community College in Johnstown, New York for the Spatial Information Technology Center;

34. $1,000,000 for the Goddard Space Flight Center’s Clustering and Advanced Visual Environments Initiative;

35. $1,500,000 for on-going activities in support of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center’s Intelligent Flight Control System (IFCS) research project;

36. $1,500,000 for on-going activities of the Goddard Institute for Systems, Software, and Technology Research, including mission design tools, Earth science analysis, and remote sensing instrumentation development;

37. $2,500,000 for the Institute for Scientific Research, Inc. for research related to transversable access to orbit;

38. $1,700,000 for continued development of a lightweight carrier pallet to support the Hubble Space Telescope Program;

39. $4,000,000 for NASA’s Independent Verification and Validation Facility;

40. $15,000,000 for the Institute for Scientific Research, Inc. for development and construction of research facilities;

41. $750,000 for the NASA Goddard Commercial Technology program only to fund the full implementation of the Earth Alert Project;

42. $500,000 for the NASA Specialized Center for Research and Training in Gravitational Biology at North Carolina State University;

43. $1,000,000 to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center;

44. $1,500,000 to the MCNC-Research and Development Institute (RDI) to establish a Laboratory for Distributed Chemical and Biological Sensors;

45. $500,000 for the Montana Aerospace Development Authority;

46. $1,500,000 for Idaho State University for the Temporal Land Cover Change Research Program;

47. $1,500,000 for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory for development of performance, safety, and mission success tools for NASA programs;

48. $500,000 for continuation of emerging research that applies remote sensing technologies to forest management practices at the State University of New York, College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry;

49. $500,000 for the development of an Aircraft Radio Guidance System (ARGUS) utilizing a new radio frequency interferometer that will provide two or three dimensional navigation guidance for airborne, space or surface vehicles;

50. $1,000,000 for the Advanced Interactive Discovery Environment engineering research program at Syracuse University;

51. $1,500,000 for Integrated Sensing Systems at the Rochester Institute of Technology;

52. $2,000,000 to research Secure Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Surveillance data link technology for enhanced aviation security and general aviation airspace access;

53. $2,000,000 for Cryogenic Power Electronics Development at the State University of New York at Albany;

54. $2,000,000 for the JASON Foundation;

55. $2,000,000 for the Regional Application Center for the Northeast;

56. $2,550,000 for the Fractional Aircraft Ownership Test Program;

57. $3,000,000 in the Computing, Information and Communications Technology Program (CICT) for High Information Density Approaches to Mobile Broadband Internet Communications;

58. $4,000,000 for new Adaptive Surveillance Techniques for Airport Surface Safety;

59. $4,500,000 for the National Center of Excellence in Infotonics in Rochester, New York;

60. $4,500,000 for the National Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics in Buffalo, New York;

61. $4,500,000 for a new Science Center at St. Bonaventure University in New York State;

62. $5,000,000 for Project SOCRATES;

63. $6,000,000 for the continuation of the Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program, including $2,500,000 for business incubators in Florida and New York;

64. $175,000 to the Astronaut Memorial Foundation for the Columbia STS 107 addition to the National Space Mirror Memorial at Kennedy Space Center;

65. $900,000 for the Florida Institute for Technology in Melbourne, Florida for a Hydrogen Production, Fuel Cell and Sensor Technology Initiative;

66. $1,900,000 for replacement and upgrade of equipment at Kennedy Space Center;

67. $300,000 for the Florida State University Challenger Learning Center;

68. $500,000 to the University of South Florida Center for Space Cellular and Macromolecular Biotechnology;

69. $8,000,000 for the Florida State University System Hydrogen Research Initiative;

70. $1,000,000 to the Little River Canyon field school;

71. $1,000,000 to the Tulane Institute for Macromolecular Engineering and Science for research on polymers;

72. $7,500,000 for the implementation of a remote data store at the NASA IV&V Facility, to be distributed as follows: no less than fifty percent of appropriated funds are for the acquisition of data storage hardware and software including, but not limited to, content addressable storage technologies; remaining funds are provided for communications, facility and integration services at the IV&V Facility to support data backup, recovery, and on-line access capabilities for the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) ECS program;

73. $2,250,000 for the University of Alabama in Huntsville for the Center for Modeling Simulation and Analysis;

74. $3,000,000 for Solar Probe mission within available funds;

75. $1,000,000 to Utah State University, Logan, Utah for the Calibration Center;

76. $1,500,000 to Montana State University-Bozeman for the Center for Studying Life in Extreme Environments;

77. $750,000 to Montana State University-Bozeman for the Space Science and Engineering Lab;

78. $1,000,000 to the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho for advanced microelectronics and biomolecular research;

79. $1,500,000 to the Glenn Research Center for the Advance Power Systems Institute;

80. $2,000,000 to New Mexico State University for the ultra-long balloon program to augment planned flights and technology development;

81. $2,000,000 to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas for equipment at the Experimental Sciences Building;

82. $1,000,000 to the University of Texas, Austin for nanomedicine;

83. $1,000,000 to Texas A&M University in College Station for the Space Engineering Institute;

84. $2,000,000 for the Stennis Space Center for the commercial technology program;

85. $1,400,000 to the University of New Orleans, Louisiana for the Composites Research Center of Excellence and for the development of advanced manufacturing technologies at Michoud Space Center;

86. $2,500,000 to Marshall University, Bridgeport, West Virginia for the Hubble Telescope Project;

87. $2,300,000 to the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota for the Northern Great Plains Space Science and Technology Center;

88. $2,000,000 for University of Maryland, Baltimore County for photonics research;

89. $8,000,000 for mission formulation studies for EOS follow-on missions;

90. $23,000,000 for EOSDIS Core System Synergy Program of which $2,000,000 is for the Northwest Collaboratory at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;

91. $1,500,000 to George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia for the Center for Earth Observing and Space Research Mid-Atlantic Geospatial Information Consortium;

92. $1,000,000 to Utah State University, Logan, Utah for the Intermountain Region Digital Image Archive and Processing Center;

93. $2,500,000 to the University of Mississippi for the Enterprise for Innovative Geospatial Solutions;

94. $2,000,000 to Mississippi State University for the Geospatial and Natural Resources Institute;

95. $1,600,000 to the University of New Mexico for the Center for Rapid Environmental Assessment and Terrain Evaluation;

96. $3,000,000 for the University of Alaska for weather and ocean research;

97. $1,000,000 to Glenn Research Center for the John Glenn Biomedical Engineering Consortium;

98. $1,250,000 to Space Sciences Inc. for microgravity related pharmaceutical development;

99. $2,500,000 for Marshall Space Flight Center for the Propulsion Materials Microgravity Research project;

100. $2,000,000 for the University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium for equipment purchase;

101. $1,500,000 for Truman State University Life Sciences for laboratory equipment;

102. $5,000,000 for the development of an aeronautics research budget covering the next 5 years. It is expected that air traffic management will also be included within this budget. Funds shall be allocated to the National Institute for Aerospace for contracting with industry and academia to prepare such a budget plan no later than March 1, 2004;

103. $15,000,000 for future aircraft research with a priority on supersonic flight technologies;

104. $15,000,000 for future aviation systems including a priority on aviation security and air traffic management;

105. $15,000,000 for continued development of flight technologies with direct application to military vehicles;

106. $3,000,000 to Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas for the National Center for Composite Materials Performance;

107. $1,000,000 to Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas for the Critical Aircraft Icing project;

108. $2,000,000 to Glenn Research Center for the commercial technology program;

109. $2,500,000 to Stennis Space Center for infrastructure improvements;

110. $1,000,000 to Stennis Space Center for relocation of the visitors center. NASA is also directed to submit a funding plan to the Committee for the visitors center;

111. $1,000,000 to the Delaware Aerospace Education Foundation, Kent County, Delaware;

112. $2,000,000 to Wheeling Jesuit University for the National Technology Transfer Center;

113. $1,000,000 to the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia for advanced research in batteries and fuel cells;

114. $1,500,000 to the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana for the National Space Privatization Program;

115. $2,000,000 for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in Denver, Colorado for equipment for the Space Science Museum;

116. $1,500,000 for the Adventure Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee for the Sudekum Planetarium;

117. $500,000 for the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa for the Existing Business Enhancement Program;

118. $1,300,000 for Iowa State University for the PIPELINES Project;

119. $1,000,000 for the Metropolitan School District of Decatur Township Indiana for the Challenger Learning Center Expansion;

120. $1,700,000 for Northern Kentucky University/University of Louisville for a digital science center;

121. $1,000,000 for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry for the space science education distance learning program;

122. $1,000,000 for Southeast Missouri State University for the NASA ERSC Outreach Project;

123. $1,500,000 for Dominican University’s Center for Science and Technology for project based learning;

124. $200,000 to Wheeling Jesuit University for Classroom of the Future;

125. $2,000,000 to the University of Connecticut for the Center for Land Use Education and Research;

126. $2,000,000 to Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa for non-destructive evaluation studies;

127. $500,000 to the Des Moines Science Center, Des Moines, Iowa;

128. $2,000,000 for the School of Science and Mathematics at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina;

129. $3,000,000 to the University of Hawaii, Hilo for the Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center;

130. $1,500,000 to Space Education Initiative, Wisconsin for the Wisconsin Geoscience Education initiative;

131. $1,000,000 to the Youth Achievers Committee of New Jersey, Burlington County, New Jersey for the Youth Achievers Committee Science and Math Initiative;

132. $500,000 to the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont for the Center for Advanced Computing;

133. $1,000,000 to Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan for the Center of Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems;

134. $1,000,000 for Wellpinit School District in Wellpinit, Washington for the Virtual Classroom Project;

135. $1,500,000 for the Mitchell Institute, Portland, Maine for the science and engineering education endowment;

136. $1,500,000 for the Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences;

137. $600,000 for the Challenger School in Kenai, Alaska;

138. $8,500,000 for the NPOESS data science system;

139. $1,000,000 for the Dole Scholarship Program;

140. $1,800,000 for the City College of New York for a community-based science and technology education facility;

141. $3,000,000 for technology development necessary to ensure the Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle mission can move forward;

142. $3,000,000 to be transferred to the Air Force Research Lab to develop and deploy Interactive Data Wall technology;

143. $3,000,000 to be transferred to the Air Force for joint research on emerging areas of computing, including grid computing, quantum and biomolecular information processing technology; and

144. $3,000,000 to be transferred to the Air Force Research Lab to develop dual-use lightweight space radar technology.

SpaceRef staff editor.