Status Report

NASA Haughton Mars Project 2003: Photo Report: First Plants Growing in Greenhouse

By SpaceRef Editor
July 19, 2003
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Images Copyright NASA HMP-2003/SpaceRef

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Upgrades to the HMP Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse continue. Among the various achievements thus far: we have our first lettuce seedlings growing.

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Plant growth tray with lettuce seedlings being feed nutirent solution from a tank located below.

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Nutrient solution being delivered to growth tray with lettuce seedlings

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Lettuce seedling sprouting within greenhouse from seeds planted last week.

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Greenhouse weather station showing conditions inside and outside.

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Part of the newly installed greenhouse monitoring and control system.

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Temporary airlock under construction on Greenhouse. This will serve to decrease thermal shocks during testing.

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This webcam will send daily pictures back from Devon Island off-season while the greenhouse is operated in remote mode.

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One of three propane heaters in greenhouse with heat-driven circulation fan on top.

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Heavy-duty batteries, charged by windmill and solar arrays, to power greenhouse systems over winter.

SpaceRef staff editor.