NASA Haughton Mars Project 2003: Photo Report: An Unexpected Visit
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Images Copyright NASA HMP-2003/SpaceRef
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On Saturday 19 July 2003 HMP Base Camp received a refueling request from a helicopter which had orignally been heading from Eureka to Grise Fiord. Bad weather forced the helicopter to divert tor Resolute – however it need to take on additional fuel to make it to Resolute.
As is always the case in the arctic, such unexpected visits can be used to one’s advantage. In this case Rainer Effenhauser from NASA JSC had hoped to get back to Houston a bit earlier than originally planned. However, a flight that would have taken him to Resolute had been postponed. This unexpected helicopter visit offered HMP Managment an opportunity to meet Rainer’s needs while helping out a neighbor at the same time.