NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report April 22, 2003 Day 112
All DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
All POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.
At 0545z on April 22, the GOES-12 Imager secondary mirror temp rose. The operators sent the nadir idle CP to safe the instrument and the temps dropped to acceptable levels. Controller noticed that the imager was in in the star position and sent CP to correct. Lost part of the 0545z Full Disk and 0615z Northern Hemi images due to the commanding
GOES-9 continues on a modified schedule that contains 6.5 minute star window periods and images every 1 hour. This schedule was extended due to problems receiving enough stars for completion INR activity It is expected on Wednesday, April 23 at 1904z, the “routine” JMA support schedule will be started.
GOES-9 performance continue to be nominal. GOES-9 is currently at approximately 160.41 E drifting at a westward rate of ~0.716 degrees per day toward 155 E longitude where it will be stopped on April 25.
GOES-12 continues to drift at an eastward rate of ~0.33 degrees per day toward 75 degrees W until the stop maneuver is performed on April 26 at 0705z. Until GOES-12 arrives on-station, the GOES-12 will be retransmitted via GOES-8 (to minimize impacts to the users).
Keep-out-Zones (KOZ) operations for all spacecraft continue through day 116. Schedules for GOES-East and GOES-West (which can be used to track the day-to-day image deletions due to KOZ) can be found at:
Major upcoming GOES milestones (Note: These dates are subject to change)
- April 16-19: GOES-9 GVAR begins, INR startup with a 0.7 deg/day drift
- April 22: Ancillary communication services (DCS, WEFAX, EMWIN, SAR) become operational.
- April 25: GOES-9 drift stop at 155 E
- April 26: GOES-12 stops at 75 deg W
- April 30: GOES-8 drift start westward from 75 W