NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report – March 3, 2003
OPS49 was placed back into Precision/Monitor mode on Rev 16644.
DMSP operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
NOAA-11 rev 74447 Fairbanks at 0757Z on March 1: The IMUX on antenna ‘A’ was hung in the record mode at the end of this pass. The N17 and N11 post-pass transfers were delayed for approximately 35 minutes while the FCDAS reset the IMUX. 100% of all data was recovered and transferred.
POES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.
At 1003Z and 1106Z on February 28, GOES-8 frame breaks were observed and attributed to high BER at CDA.
At 1849Z on February 28, a GOES-8 frame break occurred during an antenna repointing effort to clear up BER concerns.
At 2023Z on February 28, a GOES-8 frame break occurred due to local RFI (local work at the antenna).
At 0239Z on March 3, a GOES-8 frame break occurred and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.
Eclipse operations for all spacecraft continue. Eclipse schedules for GOES-8 and GOES-10 (which can be used to track the day-to-day image deletions due to KOZ and eclipse) can be found at:
GOES-12 remains in a test phase, in normal on-orbit mode, drifting at an eastward rate of ~0.33 degrees per day toward the GOES-East position where it will replace GOES-8 in April. Routine SXI imaging is proceeding along with SXI test exposures.
GOES-9 is currently at approximately 166.1 W drifting at a westward rate of ~0.75 degrees per day toward 155 E longitude where it will support the GMS-5 replacement mission in April. The GOES-9 DIRA was turned on between 1400Z and 2019Z on February 28 to retrieve spin rate data for normal Z-Axis Precession mode characterization.
GOES operations were nominal over the past 72 hours.