9 Jan 1998 Letter from Acting Associate Administrator for Space Flight re: NASA Status of Advanced Projects Program
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001
reply to Attn of MRD
Jan 09 1998
TO: Distribution
FROM: M/Acting Associate Administrator for Space Flight
SUBJECT: Status of Advanced Projects Program
The NASA Capital Investment Council has directed that the Advanced Projects program (UPN 906) be terminated in FY 1998 to contribute to the resolution of funding shortfalls within the Agency. Specific direction included that no activities uniquely directed toward human exploration beyond low-Earth-orbit shall be conducted by the Agency at this time. The X-38 project is not included in this termination direction. I am implementing these directions in a phased manner to ensure an orderly and efficient transition.
I am directing the Centers, effective immediately, to issue termination notices for all contractual vehicles associated with beyond-Earth-orbit (BEO) activities such as human Lunar or Mars exploration except for the tasks listed on the enclosure. Those activities will continue as part of a collaborative Agency effort, lead by the Office of Space Science (OSS) that also included the Office of Space Flight and the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications. Funding for these activities, however, will no longer come from OSF/UPN 906. A specific listing of the tasks that will continue as part of the collaborative effort is enclosed. In-house civil service BEO activities will be addressed at a future Office of Space Flight Management Board Meeting.
I am directing Mr. John C. Mankins, Acting Advanced Projects Manager, Office of Space Flight, to conduct an assessment, in coordination with the International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle program (SSP) representatives, to identify any Advanced Projects that must be continued in order to support either the safety of the human space flight programs or critical in-line technology research and development activities required for ISS or SSP. Any contractual or civil service work not meeting those two criteria will be terminated by January 30, 1998.
In the interim, I intend to fund all Advanced Projects activities, with the exception of the BEO activities, at no more than minimal levels through January 30, 1998. Funding requirements can be worked with Ms. Jeannie McDonough on a case-by-case basis.
I will provide specific termination direction for the remainder of the Advanced Projects program (UPN 906) by the end of January 1998.
If you have any programmatic questions, please contact Mr. John C. Mankins at 202-358-4569.
Richard J. Wisniewski
M-4/Ms. McClain
M-7/Mr. Oswald
MP/Mr. Mankins
MR/Mr. Reilly
ARC/201-1/Dr. McDonald
DFRC/D-2104/Mr. Szalai
GSFC/100/Mr. Rothenberg
JPL/180-904/Dr. Stone
JSC/AA/Mr. Abbey
KSC/CD/Mr. Bridges
LaRC/106/Dr. Creedon
LeRC/3-2/Mr. Campbell
MSFC/DA01/Ms. Griner
SSC/AA00/Mr. Estes