Status Report

Aqua Daily Report May 7, 2002 1130 GMT – May 8, 2002 1130 GMT

By SpaceRef Editor
May 8, 2002
Filed under , ,

The following activities were completed:

  1. The Master Command Load (MCL) for day 128 was loaded at 1935 GMT and activated at 0000 GMT.
  2. The spacecraft ephemeris was uplinked at 2110 GMT.
  3. CERES housekeeping (H/K) data transactions were enabled at 0234 GMT.
  4. CERES Fore was powered On at 0234 GMT.
  5. CERES Aft was powered On at 0319 GMT.
  6. CERES Telemetry Monitoring (TMON) were activated at 0549 GMT.
  7. AIRS SCS Loads were uplinked at 0526 GMT.
  8. Began loading AIRS ISC tables at 0703 GMT.

The following activities are scheduled May 8 – May 9, 2002:

  1. In preparation for Fine Point Mode (FPM) transition:
    1. Complete activation of Star Trackers.
    2. Uplink Attitude Quaternions.
    3. Enable Attitude Propagation with the IRU.
    4. Initialize Star identification.
  2. Complete uplinking AIRS ISC Table Loads.
  3. Transition AIRS to Standby with the Cooler Off.
  4. Perform S-Band Antenna Polarization Tests for EPGN and TDRS.

Aqua Spacecraft Status:

  1. Spacecraft State is currently Standby.
  2. GNC Mode is Earth Point Mode, HiFi Ephemeris.

Aqua Instrument Status:

  1. AIRS is in Decontaminate state, Quiet bus is ON, Noisy bus is ON, Cryocooler is OFF, Scan mirror rotating is OFF and earth shield is CLOSED.
  2. AMSR-E is in Modified Sleep mode, rotating at 4 RPM.
  3. AMSU A1 is in Survival mode and the antenna is in the TARGET position.
  4. AMSU A2 is in Survival mode and the antenna is in the TARGET position.
  5. CERES Aft is in Safe mode and the covers are CLOSED.
  6. CERES Fore is in Safe mode and the covers are CLOSED.
  7. HSB is in Survival mode and the antenna is in the TARGET position.
  8. MODIS is in Standby mode, Nadir Door is Unlatched and CLOSED, Solar Diffuser Door is Unlatched and CLOSED, and the Space View Door is Unlatched and CLOSED.

Activities Deferred:

  1. Spacecraft transition to Fine Point Mode (FPM) delayed.
    1. Delta-V demonstration Yaw Maneuver is also delayed as a result.
    2. Other activation activities dependent on FPM are also delayed.


  1. Apparent shift (difference with pre-flight prediction) in alignment between the 2 Star Tracker Assemblies (STA’s)
    1. Flight dynamics analysis indicates potential change of 0.2 degrees in alignment between the two star trackers.
    2. Star identification test was performed today and determined alignment shift is real, i.e. different than pre-launch predict.
    3. Developing updated alignment matrices patch to correct problem. Patch will be uploaded tomorrow and spacecraft will be transitioned to fine mode.
    4. TRW conducting review of pre-launch prediction to determine if prediction was correct or if a real shift has occurred.
  2. Code word error interrupted AIRS table uploads on May 6 and 7, and was present when a dropped command occurred during MODIS power on May 7
    1. Loads resent successfully.
    2. Code word errors not associated with uplink commands have also been observed on several other occasions.
    3. De-logs of telemetry and format table patches are underway to determine root cause.
    4. Spacecraft health and safety were never in danger at any time.
    5. Activation continues nominally with the exception of FPM transition.
  3. No Major Ground Anomalies.

SpaceRef staff editor.