Status Report

Genesis Mission Status Update May 16, 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
May 16, 2002
Filed under , ,

Genesis has now successfully completed the first of its five
planned loops. Preparations are well underway for the next
station-keeping maneuver (SKM), scheduled for May 22nd. The
solar wind has been mostly low speed over the last week.

The flight software team has begun to work on a patch that
will automatically reset the concentrator rejection grid
voltage, rather than turn the concentrator off, if a
latch-up occurs.

Telecom is nominal. We are currently downlinking data from
the spacecraft at a rate of 47,400 bits per second and
uplinking commands to the spacecraft at 2000 bits per
second. Although there may be some variation in the signal,
there will be no telecom configuration changes for the
upcoming station-keeping maneuver.

SpaceRef staff editor.