Status Report

Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report #3028 – 7 Jan 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
January 7, 2002
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PERIOD COVERED: 0000Z (UTC) 01/04/02 – 0000Z (UTC) 01/07/02

Daily Status Report as of 007/0000Z


1.1 Completed Twenty-three Sets of STIS/CCD/MA1/MA2 8914 (Sensitivity
Monitor C10)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD, MA1 and MA2) was
used to monitor the sensitivity of each CCD grating mode to detect any
change due to contamination or other causes. The STIS focus is also
monitored in an imaging mode. As described in 2.1 and HSTAR 8454, the
acquisition for the sixth iteration of this proposal defaulted to fine lock
backup on one FGS only, possibly affecting the observations in this
iteration. Otherwise, there was no further anomalous activity.

1.2 Completed Eight Sets of WF/PC-2 8942 (Cycle 10 Intflat Sweeps and
Linearity Test)

The WF/PC-2 was used to monitor the pixel-to-pixel flatfield
response and provide a linearity check. These intflat sequences are done
once during the year and the images will provide a backup database in the
event of complete failure of the visflat lamp as well as allow monitoring
of the gain ratios. There were no reported problems.

1.3 Completed Seven Sets of STIS/CCD 8901 (Dark Monitor-Part 1)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to monitor
the darks. There was no anomalous activity.

1.4 Completed Five Sets of STIS/CCD 9285 (POMS Test Proposal: STIS
Non-scripted Parallel Proposal Continuation III)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to make low
galactic latitude, non-scripted parallel observations as part of a POMS
test proposal. The observations were completed as planned, and no
anomalies were reported.

1.5 Completed Eighteen Sets of WF/PC-2 9318 (POMS Test Proposal: WFII
Parallel Archive Proposal Continuation)

The WF/PC-2 was used to perform the generic target version of the
WFPC2 Archival Pure Parallel program. The program was used to take
parallel images of random areas of the sky, following the recommendations
of the Parallels Working Group. As detailed in 2.1 and HSTAR 8455, the
acquisition for the eleventh iteration of this proposal defaulted to fine
lock backup on one FGS only, possibly affecting two
observations. Otherwise, there were no further reported problems.

1.6 Completed Two Sets of STIS/CCD 9143 (Spectrophotometry of Nearby
Seyfert 2 Nuclei: Can We Eliminate the Seyfert 2 Class?)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to
investigate Seyfert 2s that are distinguished by the absence of the broad
emission lines characteristic of Seyfert 1s and more luminous QSOs. Are
Seyfert 2s fundamentally different from Seyfert 1s and their brighter
cousins? Or is the broad emission line region in Seyfert 2s simply
suppressed by obscuring material as postulated by the unification
model? If the latter model is correct, the weak broad emission lines in
the Seyfert 2s may simply be overwhelmed by starlight from the
circumnuclear region, particularly in the case of recent star
formation. It is proposed to determine if all Seyfert 2s have {weak} broad
emission line regions by obtaining long-slit STIS spectroscopy for a
well-defined sample of 20 Seyfert 2s {3 archival, 17 new}. The
observations completed with no anomalous activity.

1.7 Completed Twelve Sets of WF/PC-2 8940 (Cycle 10 Earth Flats)

The WF/PC-2 was used to monitor flatfield stability by obtaining
sequences of Earth streak flats to construct high quality flat fields for
the WF/PC-2 filter set. These flat fields will allow mapping of the OTA
illumination pattern and will be used in conjunction with previous internal
and external flats to generate new pipeline superflats. As described in
2.1 and HSTAR 8454, the acquisition for the eighth iteration of this
proposal defaulted to fine lock backup on one FGS only, possibly affecting
eight observations in this iteration. Then, as described in HSTAR 8456 and
2.1, the acquisition for the final iteration of this proposal defaulted to
fine lock backup on FGS-3 only when the scan step limit was exceeded on
FGS-1, possibly affecting ten observations. Otherwise, the proposal
completed without further incident.

1.8 Completed Three Sets of STIS/CCD 8903 (Bias Monitor – Part 1)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to monitor
the bias in the 1×1, 1×2, 2×1, and 2×2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1×1 at
gain = 4 to build up high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot
columns. There were no problems.

1.9 Completed Two Sets of STIS/CCD 8639 (The Origin of Gaseous Outflows
in Active Galaxies)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to obtain
images, previously observed by WF/PC-2, of the ionized gas in the Circinus
galaxy, a nearby Seyfert 2. The previous images reveal that the nuclear
high excitation gas is “V-shaped” and represents the inner part of the
“ionization cone” seen previously on much larger scales in ground-based
observations. These images suggest that the observed emission lies along
the boundary of a conical structure, a situation which has probably
originated through mass entrainment of dense gas in the galaxy disk along
the edges of a low density outflow. The proposers wish to obtain long slit
observations of this structure. The goals are: 1} to confirm or reject
this picture kinematically; 2} investigate how gas is entrained into the
outflow from the dense ism in the galaxy disk in the inner region of the
outflow at unprecedented spatial resolution for a Seyfert galaxy {our
resolution of 1 pc is comparable to or smaller than the expected radius of
the inner edge of the putative blocking “torus”}; 3} distinguish between
collimation of ionization photons or of gaseous outflow as the origin of
the “ionization cone”; and 4} attempt to measure the mass of the nuclear
black hole using a long slit spectrum of the disk HII regions. The
observations completed with no reported problems.

1.10 Completed Four Sets of STIS/CCD 8669 (Merger-Driven Evolution Of
Galactic Nuclei: Observations Of The Toomre Sequence)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCCD) was used to observe
galaxy mergers that are believed responsible for triggering starburst and
AGN activity in galaxies, and even perhaps transforming spiral galaxies
into ellipticals. As described in 2.1 and HSTAR 8454, the acquisition for
the sixth iteration of this proposal defaulted to fine lock backup on one
FGS only, possibly affecting the observations in this iteration. Then, as
described in HSTAR 8456 and 2.1, the acquisition for the third iteration of
this proposal defaulted to fine lock backup on FGS-3 only when the scan
step limit was exceeded on FGS-1, possibly affecting one
observation. Otherwise, the proposal completed nominally.

1.11 Completed Four Sets of STIS/CCD 9066 (Closing in on the Hydrogen
Reionization Edge of the Universe)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used in parallel
constrain the Hydrogen reionization edge in emission that marks the
transition from a neutral to a fully ionized IGM at a predicted
redshifts. The proposal completed uneventfully.

1.12 Completed Seven Sets of WF/PC-2 9118 (Tracing the Cosmic Expansion
to z>1 with Type Ia Supernovae)

The WF/PC-2 was used to observe type Ia supernovae in order to
provide evidence for an accelerating universe. The case for cosmic
acceleration rests almost entirely on the observation that the observed SN
Ia at z~0.5 are 0.25 magnitudes fainter than expected for a
non-accelerating Universe. It is proposed to follow five SN Ia in the
range 0.95 0 cosmology, this experiment is a powerful and
straightforward way to assess the reliability of the SN Ia
measurements. In addition, if SN Ia are reliable standard candles, the
proposed observations will significantly increase the precision with which
Omega_Lambda and Omega_M are measured. There was no reported anomalous

1.13 Completed WF/PC-2 9319 (POMS Test Proposal: WFII Backup Parallel
Archive Proposal II)

The WF/PC-2 was used to execute a POMS test proposal, designed to
simulate future scientific plans. The proposal completed without incident.

1.14 Completed Two Sets of WF/PC-2 9060 (Photometry of a Statistically
Significant Sample of Kuiper Belt Objects)

The WF/PC-2 was used to propel the physical study of KBOs forward
by performing accurate photometry at V, R, and I on a sample of up to 150
KBOs. The sample is made up of objects that will be observed at thermal
infrared wavelengths by SIRTF and will be used with those data to derive
the first accurate diameters and albedos for a large sample of KBOs. The
observations completed nominally.

1.15 Completed STIS/CCD 9077 (Survey of the LMC Planetary Nebulae)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to perform
a snapshot survey of all known LMC planetary nebulae {PNe} in order to
study the co-evolution of the nebulae and their central stars, and to probe
the chemical enrichment history of the LMC. There were no reported problems.

1.16 Completed FGS/1 8898 (Calibrating FGS1r’s Interferometric Response
as a Function of Spectral Color)

Fine Guidance Sensor #1 was used to obtain reference point source
Transfer Functions {S-Curves} through the F583W filter and the F5ND
attenuator at the center position of the FGS1r FOV for a variety of stellar
spectral colors. The data will be added to the library of point source
interferograms that was assembled from the Cycles 8 and 9 calibration
program. These Transfer Functions are needed to support the analysis of GO
science data for the study of close and wide binary star systems and for
determining the angular diameter of extended sources. The proposal
completed with no reported problems.

1.17 Completed STIS/CCD 7912 (STIS Parallel Archive Proposal – Nearby
Galaxies – Imaging and Spectroscopy)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to make
parallel observations of nearby galaxies. This survey will be useful to
study the star formation histories, chemical evolution, and distances to
these galaxies. The observations were completed as scheduled, and no
problems were reported.

1.18 Completed Four Sets of STIS/CCD 9088 (Next Generation Spectral
Library of Stars)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to produce
a “Next Generation” Spectral Library of 600 stars for use in modeling the
integrated light of galaxies and clusters by using the low dispersion UV
and optical gratings of STIS. The library will be roughly equally divided
among four metallicities, very low {Fe/H < -1.5}, low {-1.5 < Fe/H < -0.5}, near-solar {-0.5 < Fe/H < 0.1}, and super-solar {Fe/H > 0.1}, well-sampling
the entire HR-diagram in each bin. Such a library will surpass all extant
compilations and have lasting archival value, well into the Next Generation
Space Telescope era. As detailed in 2.1 and HSTAR 8455, the acquisition
for the second iteration of this proposal defaulted to fine lock backup on
one FGS only, possibly affecting one observation. No other problems occurred.

1.19 Completed STIS/CCD 9148 (Light Echos and the Nature of Type Ia

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to take
STIS snapshot images of a subset of 43 well observed Type Ia supernovae
{SNIa}, most of which have been discovered in late type galaxies over the
last 40 years to make a systematic search for light echos around SN
Ia. STIS will also observe a sample of 10 SN II and SN Ib/c, which are
believed to be the result of massive star core collapse and, therefore, to
be thin-disk population objects, in order to make an empirical calibration
of the accuracy of our method for determining scale heights. The SN Ia
sample will provide a direct as well as accurate estimate of the scale
height of SN Ia which is an important clue to the progenitors of these
events. The proposal completed nominally.

1.20 Completed WF/PC-2 9258 (Observatory Focus Monitor)

The WF/PC-2 was used to more accurately define the HST focus. The
HST focus drifts slowly and shows evidence of undergoing slips of a few
microns at random times. The rate of the WF/PC-2 monitoring program is
insufficient to track and/or understand OTA behavior in order to request
timely and appropriate Secondary Mirror corrections. There were no
reported problems.

1.21 Completed Three Sets STIS/CCD 8867 (Gamma-Ray Bursts: Discovering
The Progenitors And Understanding The Explosion – Visits A0-R0)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to observe
a gamma-ray burster. Gamma-ray burst astronomy, one of the most active and
exciting frontiers in astrophysics, is now entering a critical stage —
with dramatic leaps in understanding of these events, as well as new
discoveries. Improvements in triggering and positioning accuracy provided
by the SAX and HETE-2 gamma-ray satellites will allow entirely new classes
of events to be studied. Given the recent progress in this field, the
proposers are now in a position to design precision, broadband measurements
that can provide quantitative information on the as-yet unknown energy
sources, the explosion geometry, and the surrounding medium. In
particular, the growing evidence of an intimate connection between SNe and
GRBs can be definitively tested. The proposal completed with no reported

1.22 Completed STIS/CCD 9187 (A Lyman Limit Snapshot Survey: The Search
for Candidate D/H Absorbers)

The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (CCD) was used to measure
D/H in gas clouds seen against background QSOs. This provides a unique and
fundamental cosmological probe of the baryonic density parameter. To date,
most of the QSO absorption line D/H constraints have been derived at high
redshift. In this proposal the proposers investigate a lower redshift
range, because there are two potentially crucial advantages to be gained by
carrying out D/H measurements at intermediate redshift. First, the
background of HI forest lines is lower and contamination of the DI feature
is significantly reduced. Second, a far larger sample of very bright QSOs
exists. There were no reported problems.


2.1 Guide Star Acquisitions:

Scheduled Acquisitions: 24

Successful: 24

The acquisition at 004/213536Z defaulted to fine lock backup on FGS-3
only when the scan step limit was exceeded on FGS-1. HSTAR 8454 was
written. The proposals detailed in 1.0, 1.7 and 1.10 may have been affected.

HSTAR 8455 documents that the acquisition at 005/202040Z defaulted
to fine lock backup on FGS-1 only when the scan step limit was exceeded on
FGS-2. The proposals described in 1.5 and 1.18 may have been affected.

As described in HSTAR 8456, the acquisition at 005 213718Z
defaulted to fine lock backup on FGS-3 only when the scan step limit was
exceeded on FGS-1.. The proposals detailed in 1.7 and 1.10 may have been

Scheduled Re-acquisitions: 24

Successful: 24

2.2 FHST Updates:

Scheduled: 53

Successful: 53

2.3 Operations Notes:

Using ROP SR-1A, the SSR-1 EDAC errors were cleared six times.

Per an operations note, the Bay 6 Bulkhead Temperature high limit
was changed at 004/1647Z.

The STIS Bulkhead 7 Temperature high limit was modified at
004/1927Z as directed by an operations note.

Per an operations note, the high limit for the STIS parameter
OTCZ3BT was changed at 004/2006Z.

Per an operations request, PN format was commanded and TLMDIAGs were
used to collect RWA-2 data at 004/2300Z and at 005/0535Z.

Per HSTAR 8457, the axial link #1 temperature (EAXLK1T) began to
toggle in and out of limits at 006/025552Z with a high value of 27.185
degC. A temporary limit change was made for this parameter at 006/14443Z,
per an operations note.

Per HSTAR 8458, the MRA 23 temperature (EMRA23T) flagged
out-of-limits high at 007/000453Z with a value of 21.0706 degC.

As directed by ROP IC-2, SSA transmitter #2 was turned on and off
for the interval 007/0538Z to 007/0603Z.


Continuation of normal science observations and calibrations.

SpaceRef staff editor.