Status Report

EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel Minutes of Meeting September 17, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
September 17, 2001
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The EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel met at JSC on September 17, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Engineering Directorate

Crew and Thermal Systems Division


Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Office

Hamilton Standard Management Services

Lockheed Martin

Panel members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Panel Chair, XA/Panel Secretary, XA/I&O, CB/Astronaut Office, XA Integration and Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, EC5/Crew and Thermal Systems Division, FCE/EVA, and NA/SR&QA.

The following items were presented:


  1. PRACA Status — NS43NS43/G. WrightTerry Miller

Fifteen A total of 14 FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware. Six FIAR’s were reported as past due. The following were statused:

JSCEC0881 — EHIP Lights. Flat washer permanently deforms when torqued and will not allow cap screw to maintain 5.0-inch pound torque value.

The Corrective Action Implementation Pending (CAIP) closure was routed for XA signature. The final closure is forthcoming and will be signed off by SR&QA/Greg Wright and EC5/Roger Schwarz. This FIAR will be posted to the CAIP Pending FIAR’s list.

BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool. PGT chatter.

USA is to write the final closure rationale to close as "unexplained". EC5 is requesting USA provide their refurbishment plan. A new ECD will be requested.

JSCEC0851 — GPC. GPC handle does not lock within torque spec.

A new ECD will be provided to the 9/19/01 EHB.

JSCEC0781F — 5/16" Wobble Socket. Socket detaching from PGT during STS-102 EVA.

All DCN’s are in. A new ECD of 10/1/01 was assigned.

JSCEC0871F — Waist Tether and JSCEC0872F — SafetyTether. STS-100 anomaly. Red indicator showing on load alleviator strap.

Build procedures and CARD need to be reviewed. A new ECD will be provided at the 9/19/01 EHB.

No new FIAR’s were reported.

The following STS-108 (UF1) FIAR’s were statused:

JSCEC0887F — On-Orbit Installed Handrails. On STS-104 on-orbit installed handrails could not be installed on airlock seat track interface.

Hardware has been disassembled. The FIAR should close by the ECD of 9/24/01.

JSCEC0892 — HST Portable Foot Restraint. Pivot joint latch would not return under spring tension at the

-150 deg. F test point.

A new status will be given to the 9/19/01 EHB.


Preliminary closure in work. Still had chatter on 5A. Look at closing "as is".

EC5/B. Greene presented a FIAR Status on JSCEC0853F — Bayonet Receptacle.

STS-92 and STS-98 crew experienced excessive loads required to remove hardware from Bayonet Receptacles on the Modular Mini-workstation T-Bar and Swing Arms.


The following STS-104 FIAR’s were statused:

JSCEC0839 — REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.

Going to vendor end of March to get root cause closure.

JSCEC0841 — PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.

Need to get with EM for root cause.

JSCEC0842 — Modular MWS Gimbal Assy. Fraying of end effector cord.

In work. Cost substantial.

JSCEC0781F — 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.

Funded. Design change complete. Close out.

JSCEC0848F — Equipment Hook. Inadvertent equipment hook release.

Should have final by next week.

JSCEC0850 — Safety Tether. Discoloration of safety tether.

Test results by 3/19/01.

The following STS-104 SAFER FIAR was statused:

JSCER0035 — USA SAFER. SAFER battery erratic current readings.

Currently on-orbit. Will not get back until 6A lands. Will need month to do assessment.

The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, opened against the 5/16" hex wobble socket, is 635 days old.

FIAR’s open by flight:

STS-102 0

STS-108 (UF1) 10

STS-109 (HST) 12

STS-110 (8A) 14

STS-111 (UF2) 14

  1. Cert Status — NC52/Greg Wright

All certification is closed for STS-102.

There are three open SAFER hardware certifications for STS-100 — 2 on the SAFER IVA Battery (-305 and -307), and SAFER Battery upgrade. These are pending GCAR updates for closure.

There are 22 open hardware certifications for STS-104, all "green".There are six open hardware certification items for STS-108 (UF1). A -301 configuration will be used for the PFR bridge clamp. The ORU transfer bags have ship dates of 9/7/01; cert will be late (due 8/31/01). The swingarm assembly, modular gimbal assembly, and EHIP lights have cert due dates of 10/1/01.

There are 12 open hardware certification items for STS-109, with most requiring ESEL updates to close.

There are five open hardware certification items for STS-110 (8A). These include the SAFER, SAFER IVA battery, SAFER inhibit plug assembly, TERA base assembly, and MT energy absorber. Due date to S&MA for these items is 1/11/02.

  1. Mission Hardware Status — LM/F. BlissKevin Thomas

The following Mission Hardware Status was presented:

STS-102: All hardware has been delivered for flight.

STS-100: STS-98 hardware was received from USA on 3/2/01, and is being processed for the STS-100 Bench Review on 3/16/01. Roughly 20% of Bench Review hardware has been shipped. The other hardware will be sent as it is processed.



MPLML Bench Review originally scheduled for 9/25/01 has been changed to 9/19/01 and will be held at USA in Houston.

All Payload bay hardware has been PIA’d. All CEIT hardware is at USA ready for shipment. Middeck items for Bench Review shipment are being processed.


Hardware is being gathered to support a PSA pull test at Boeing on 9/26/01.

Another Crew FAM has been scheduled at Goddard for 9/28/01 through 9/29/01. The on-dock date for payload bay hardware at KSC is 10/12/01. If this Crew FAM is supported and the hardware is not sent back in a timely manner, the hardware may not make the on-dock date. Lockheed needs time to process the hardware for payload bay ship.

  1. Actions Review — XA/G. LeStourgeonGreg LeStourgeon

The following past due action was reviewed:

Action 7/9/01-1: Submit CR to extend/track limited life for MUT tool carrier and tether extension assembly. Update CARD’s.

EC5/Roger Schwarz will request a new due date.

  1. HITS Status Review — XA/Jackie Manning
  2. The weekly "stoplight" HITS Metric Report was presented. This report shows hardware and/or service/

    support delivered, on schedule, and not meeting planned delivery date or program need dates. Showing "Red" for STS-108 are the QD Bail Drive Lever tools. A CR will be initiated and routed OSB to change the flight effectivity for these tools to 9A.

  3. Gage Status — EC5/Kim Hostetler

The monthly Gage Status is scheduled for presentation the first Monday of the month.

  1. H-1007R1 — Tether Shuttle — Additional Locking Feature — XA/Margaret McPhail
  2. This CCBD requests updating the Tether Shuttle to include an additional locking mechanism to prevent inadvertent release of the Tether Shuttle from the mobile transport rail at discreet locations.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  3. H-1047 — Right-Angle Drive Operational Constraints Analysis — XA/Margaret McPhail
  4. This CCBD requests EC5 to perform a thermal analysis to evaluate the operational constraints for the right-angle drive when used in conjunction with the PGT. Updates are also required for CARD JSC-33601 and ICD 30256 to incorporate expanded operational constraints.

    Decision: Route for technical concurrence.

  5. Update Certification of Modular Mini-Workstation for PGT with Extension — EC5/Joe Gensler

A PGT with a 7/16" socket extension is required for the STS-109 HST mission. The PGT with extension will be carried by the crewmember on the MMWWS swing arm, which is currently certified for an 18" limit. A Recertification by analysis is required. Preliminary evaluation by OSS shows a potential for some components of the MWS to fail margins of safety with an increase in moment arm length by 3 inches. The following options were proposed:

Option A: If the MMWS has to be flight ready for STS-109 with the new proposed tool length of 21", OSS will perform a cursory review of the existing analysis to determine if the hardware has the capacity to handle the loads generated based on 21" moment arm. The results will be reported in the form of a memo. This option will not include any updates to CARD, hardware certification, and fracture control and can be completed by ATP + 2 weeks.

Option B: Do a complete recertification. This includes review and update the stress analysis for the structural piece parts that are in the load path; review and update the fatigue-life analysis for the parts re-analyzed; issue a new material certification memo, provide an updated fracture control summary, update the MMWS CARD & GCAR, update the cert pack at Bldg. 45. Total re-cert completion in 10 weeks.

EC5 recommends running Option A and B in parallel and feels it provides the best opportunity to fly on HST and provides a complete re-cert in a reasonable amount of time.

Decision: It was the decision of the Tools Panel to proceed with a one-mission certification on the hardware. CCBD H-1042 will be revised to add $9K funding to authorize the one-mission certification for STS-109.

No further items were brought forward, and the EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

________________________________ ________________________________

Harriett A. Attaway D. G. LeStourgeonD. G. LeStourgeon

Secretary, EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Acting Chairman, Acting EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel

Note: CARD changes are normally routed for concurrence after the Panel adjourns. Initiators are requested to be present or have representation for discussion of the change.

SpaceRef staff editor.