Revised NASA GSFC Travel Authorization Procedures
National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
SEP 27 2001
Reply to Attn of: 150
TO: Executive Council
FROM: 100/Director
SUBJECT: Revised Travel Authorization Procedures
Recent events have made it necessary to carefully review our procedures for authorizing travel and to revise our policy on delegations for travel authorizations to ensure the safety and security of all Goddard Space Flight Center employees. In addition, guidance from NASA Headquarters has necessitated at least interim adjustments to our normal processing of certain travel. The Goddard Policy Directive (GPD) 9710.1, “Delegations of Travel Authority and Attendance at Meetings of Outside Organizations,” is currently under revision. In the interim, I am issuing revised guidance that is effective immediately.
Justifications continue to be required for travel received by NASA Headquarters, Code I within 2 weeks of departure. For program travel those justifications must be signed by the director of and concurred in by the Chief Counsel; for all other travel, those justifications must be concurred in by the Director of and signed by the Chief Counsel.
While in the past, some travel authorizations were reviewed and even singed primarily for budgetary purposes, I am asking each of you to carefully review the purpose of the trip with specific sensitivity to foreign travel and the conditions abroad. These reviews should not be delegated to resources personnel in your organization. Employees with signature authority should ensure that they carefully screen each trip and support it occurrence. To the fullest extend possible, please give full consideration to conducting business via teleconference and video conference facilities in lieu of travel. From time to time, I will ask Directors to provide a full report of travel by type for their organization.
Please call Gale Fleming on extension 6-5132 if you have any questions.
A.V. Diaz