XCOR Releases Payload Users Guide for Lynx

XCOR Aerospace announced today that the Lynx suborbital vehicle’s Payload User’s Guide (PUG) is now available online from XCOR’s website (www.xcor.com/contact/pug).
XCOR Program Manager Khaki Rodway noted that “publication of the guide is a significant evolutionary step for XCOR, our payload integration partners, and scientists and educators who are ready to use our suborbital reusable launch vehicle such as the participants in NASA’s Flight Opportunities Program and our other commercial research customers.” The end user who downloads the Payload User’s Guide online will also be registered to receive automatic updates.
The Payload User’s Guide is central to each research and education mission (REM) flying with the Lynx. Designed to provide XCOR payload integration partners and REM specialists with information about the Lynx and its services, the guide gives direct access to vital information on the interfaces and requirements for experiments that will interface with the Lynx systems. The guide will also enable customers to work more effectively with XCOR’s Payload integration partners, who include Southwest Research Institute of San Antonio and Boulder, NanoRacks of Houston, TX, Spaceflight Services of Tukwila, Washington, Space Expedition Corporation of Curacao and Amsterdam, Yecheon Astro Space Center of South Korea, Cosmica of France, the African Space Institute in South Africa, EMXYS of Spain, Texas A&M’s Space Engineering Research Center, and the Planetary Science Institute of Tucson.
“From atmospheric and microgravity research to earth observation, medical and educational experiments, the Lynx Payload User’s Guide facilitates our current and future network of payload integration partners and customers around the globe. It provides each of them the core tools and information necessary to transform their experiments into payloads, and further outlines the unique opportunities Lynx offers for safe, reliable and repeatable experimentation and observation,” noted XCOR Chief Operating Officer Andrew Nelson.
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About XCOR
XCOR Aerospace is a California corporation based in Mojave and is starting the process to create a new Research and Development Center in Midland, Texas. It builds safe, reliable and reusable rocket-powered vehicles, propulsion systems, advanced non-flammable composites and rocket piston pumps.
XCOR works with aerospace prime contractors and government customers on major propulsion systems, while also building Lynx, a piloted, two-seat, fully reusable liquid rocket-powered vehicle that takes-off and lands horizontally. The Lynx-family of vehicles serves three primary missions depending on their specific type including: research & scientific missions, private spaceflight, and micro satellite launch (only on the Lynx Mark III). Lynx production models (designated Lynx Mark II) are designed to be robust, multi-mission (research / scientific or private spaceflight) commercial vehicles capable of flying to 100+ km in altitude up to four times per day. Lynx vehicles are available to customers globally on a wet lease basis. (www.xcor.com).
The Payload User Guide is available for immediate download. To access the Payload User Guide, simply follow this link and enter the information as requested. www.xcor.com/contact/pug
Bryan Campen
Director of Media and Public Relations