
Discovery Launch Delayed at Least 24 Hours

By Marc Boucher
November 2, 2010
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Discovery Launch Delayed at Least 24 Hours
Discovery Launch Delayed at Least 24 Hours

The launch of space shuttle Discovery has been delayed at least 24 hours so that the NASA Mission Management Team can assess an electrical issue.

The issue came up this morning during engine check-outs, the engine 3 backup engine controller did not come up as expected. The problem was narrowed down to a circuit breaker or switch. Transient contamination was narrowed down as the issue which sometimes happens according to Steve Payne, NASA test director. Recycling the breaker and switch was thought to have solved the issue but as the day progressed the issue came back as voltage irregularities were noticed.

NASA managers will brief the press today at 6:30 pm EDT.

Discovery is now scheduled to launch on Thursday at 3:29 pm EDT. However weather is an issue and that this time there is a 70% chance of violating the rules for launch. Should Discovery not be able to launch Thursday due to the weather they will then move the launch to Friday. The weather on Friday is currently looking favorable.

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.