
NASA to Make Major Extrasolar Planet Announcement

By Keith Cowing
November 25, 2001
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  • 27 November 2001: Next Space Science Update to present Hubble Discovery about Extrasolar Planet

    “A major discovery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope about a planet outside our Solar System will be announced in a Space Science Update at 1 p.m. EST Tuesday, Nov. 27. The discovery marks an important new capability in efforts to uncover secrets about these newly discovered extrasolar planets.”

    Editor’s note: given the names of the individuals listed as speakers at this event, plus previous press releases and published papers, it is likely that the topic of discussion will focus upon planet(s) circling the sunlike star HD 209458.

  • 30 December 1999: NASA’s Ames Research Center Uses Transit Photometry to Confirm Existence of Extrasolar Planet Circling HD 209548, SpaceRef

  • 20 December 1999: ESA’s Hipparcos Satellite Observed an Extrasolar Planet 8 Years Ago

  • 18 January 2001: HST Time-Series Photometry of the Transiting Planet of HD 209458

    “We have observed 4 transits of the planet of HD 209458 using the STIS spectrograph on HST. The low-mass companion to HD 209458 is the first extrasolar planet found to transit the disk
    of its parent star. The primary star (G0 V, V = 7:64, B-V = 0:58) lies at at distance of 47
    pc as determined by Hipparcos. An analysis of radial velocity measurements gave an orbital period of 3.524 days, with Mp sin i = 0:69 ± 0:05 MJup and
    a = 0:0468 AU, using the derived value of 1:1 ± 0:1 M sol for the stellar mass. When combined with the
    early photometric light curve data, the same analysis yielded an orbital inclination i = 86:1°± 1:6°,
    and a planetary radius Rp = 1:40 ± 0:17 RJup.”

  • SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.