NASA Investigation Team Reports on Shuttle Engine Damage During June 2000 Test
On 16 June 2000, testing of a Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) with a high-pressure fuel turbopump configuration at NASA Stennis Space Center had to be cut short. Higher than expected test temperatures caused the SSME to shut itself down 5 seconds into a planned 200-second test.
According to a NASA press release “the SSME being tested was a development unit being used to validate the engine’s capability to operate at higher-than-normal temperature levels. The test used a main combustion chamber smaller than those currently flown on the Shuttle, which increases temperatures in the pumps to test for different temperature limits. “ On 22 June 2000, NASA announced that Robert Sackheim, assistant director and chief engineer for propulsion at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, would lead an investigative team to find out what happened. An internal report at NASA dated 10 October 2000, the investigation team reported that there was “minor damage to the fuel preburner and standard throat main combustion chamber” and that “the majority of the damage occurred in the turbine-end. Damage incurred in the turbine downstream of the first The Investigation Board also made the following findings: “Most probable failure scenario and Principle finding
blades resulted from impact. Pump-end hardware was damaged by rub and the loss of roller bearing support.”
introduced into the fuel system.
– Despite normal inspections, the tape went unnoticed during the remainder of the assembly and
pretest operations.
of the FPB, causing a localized high mixture ratio in the FPB.
– This caused rotor imbalance and significant turbine and pump damage.
Summary of Major Recommendations
contaminants and using permanent closures on joints where applicable.
SSME processing.
Related links
Editor’s note: this document contains multiple diagrams and images depicting the damage done to this engine.
SSME 0523, 902-772 Incident Investigation, NASA [Adobe Acrobat document]
Editor’s note: this document contains multiple diagrams and images depicting the damage done to the engine’s turbine as well as the investigation team’s findings.