EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel Minutes of Meeting 26 Mar 2001
The EVA Tools and Crew Aids Panel met at JSC on March 1226, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:
EVA Project Office
Hardware Development
Integration and Operations
Engineering Directorate
Crew and Thermal Systems Division
Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Office
Hamilton Standard Management Services
Lockheed Martin
Panel members from the following organizations participated:
XA/Panel Chair, XA/Panel Secretary, XA Integration and Operations, CB/Astronaut Office, DX3/EVA, Robotics, and Crew Systems Operation Division, CB/Astronaut Office, EC5/Crew and Thermal Systems Division, FCE/EVA, and NA/SR&QA.
The following items were presented:
- PRACA Status NS43NS43/G. WrightT. Miller
Fifteen Sixteen FIARs are open for EVA hardware. Four One FIARs were was reported as past due and statused as follows:
BFCE026F005 Disk/Loop Pin Puller Tool Caddy. Broken Tether cord.
This FIAR will be statused at the 3/28/01 EHB.
JSCEC0848F Equipment Hook. Inadvertent Equipment Hook release.
PIAs in work on everything with hook.
JSCEC0849F Safety Tether. Slow retract of tether.
To do ROM to reduce length of tether. Once ROM received and crew/MOD concurs, FIAR can be closed. Unless found to be an overriding safety concern, no plans for mod or redesign.
JSCEC0841 PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.
Possible processing problem with dry lube application.
JSCEC0852 Equipment Hook. Bail level sticking. Bail level did ot perform smoothly and did not stick open.
New build failed initial PIA.
One No new FIARs was were reported. No FIARs are open for STS-100 (6A).
The following STS-104 (7A) FIAR was statused:
JSCEC0842 Modular MWS Gimbal Assy. Fraying of end effector cord.
Closure in final signature loop.
Preliminary closure in work. Still had chatter on 5A. Look at closing "as is".
EC5/B. Greene presented a FIAR Status on JSCEC0853F Bayonet Receptacle.
STS-92 and STS-98 crew experienced excessive loads required to remove hardware from Bayonet Receptacles on the Modular Mini-workstation T-Bar and Swing Arms.
The following STS-104 FIARs were statused:
JSCEC0839 REBA Charger. REBA failed to show green LED during acceptance testing.
Going to vendor end of March to get root cause closure.
JSCEC0841 PFR Gimbal Assembly. Roll joint buttons binding.
Need to get with EM for root cause.
JSCEC0842 Modular MWS Gimbal Assy. Fraying of end effector cord.
In work. Cost substantial.
JSCEC0781F 5/16" Wobble Socket (HST). Socket detaching from PGT during STS-103 EVA.
Funded. Design change complete. Close out.
JSCEC0848F Equipment Hook. Inadvertent equipment hook release.
Should have final by next week.
JSCEC0850 Safety Tether. Discoloration of safety tether.
Test results by 3/19/01.
The following STS-104 SAFER FIAR was statused:
JSCER0035 USA SAFER. SAFER battery erratic current readings.
Currently on-orbit. Will not get back until 6A lands. Will need month to do assessment.
The EVA hardware oldest FIAR, opened against the Adaptive Payload Carrier, is 547 568 days old.
FIARs open by flight:
STS-102 0
STS-100 (6A) 20
STS-104 (7A) 1010
STS-105 (7A.1) 1315
- Cert Status NC52/G. Wright
All certification is closed for STS-102.
There are three open SAFER hardware certifications for STS-100 2 on the SAFER IVA Battery (-305 and -307), and SAFER Battery upgrade. These are pending GCAR updates for closure.
There are 22 open hardware certifications for STS-104, all "green".All hardware certifications are closed for STS-100 (6A). There are 20 open hardware certifications for
STS-104 (7A). There are no open hardware certifications for STS-105 (7A.1).
- Mission Hardware Status LM/F. BlissK. Thomas
- Actions Review XA/G. LeStourgeonD. Roberts
- Pending CR Review XA/G. LeStourgeonD. Roberts
The following Mission Hardware Status was presented:
STS-102: All hardware has been delivered for flight.
STS-100: STS-98 hardware was received from USA on 3/2/01, and is being processed for the STS-100 Bench Review on 3/16/01. Roughly 20% of Bench Review hardware has been shipped. The other hardware will be sent as it is processed.
STS-104: All hardware was delivered to support the Airlock Bench Review, scheduled for 3/2/01.STS-100
Hardware processing is in work for the MMWS RH Swingarms, Camera Bracket Assy, and REBA and EHIP hardware. All hardware should be available to ship to USA on or before 4/3/01.
Hardware is being processed for the STS-104 Payload Bay Ship, scheduled for 4/3/021. Waiting for one Sill Stack to return from STS-102 that should be here on 3/28/01 at the earliest. The PFR and High Strength Bridge Clamp are needed.
Work has begun on processing hardware for the STS-105 MPLM Bench Review, scheduled for 4/10/01.
This item was deferred.
The following actions were statused:
Action 1/22/01-1 EC5/L. Bailey. Provide ROM and assessment of CETA Cart, OTD and TERA grounding patch and any necessary modifications to hardware and present to Tools Panel.
EC5/R. Schwarz to look into.
Action 8/28/00-2 EC5/D. Glebe. Modify drawing for Top Mounted Handrail Assy, etc.
Per actionee, anticipate meeting 4/8/01 completion date.
Action 2/5/01-3 DX3/O. Koehler. Provide details of towel bar installation task to EC5 for review.
CLOSED per E-mail response of 3/23/01.
Action 8/28/00-3 EC5/G. Nickel. Provide plan for materials testing of returned OIH material and update of materials model.
EC5/R. Schwarz to look into.
Action 1/29/01-1 EC5/R. Schwarz. Present findings from testing Load Alleviators and Sheaths.
Per actionee, all work completed but load test; should get to it this week.
Pending CRs were reviewed and statused as follows
CCBD # | Initiator | Title | Status |
H-0538R1 | EC5/J. Marmolejo | Update EVA Batteries to BCA/BSA IDD | Process |
H-0775R1 | EC5/B. Greene | ISS TERA Recertification | On hold |
H-0711 | XA/T. Brady | Provide 3/126" Allen Drive with Drop Proof Tether Adapter | On hold |
H-0905 | EC5/L. Bailey | CETA ICD Fitcheck Verification | On hold |
H-0870 | XA/T. Jochim | Ingress Aide Modification | Disapprove |
H-0843 | DX3/K. Lewis | USA SAFER Tower latch | Withdraw |
H-0896 | EV/K. Vorhaben | Request for Microconical Fittings | Process OSB |
H-0937 | XA/C. Fulcher | Orlan SAFER Launch Restraint FSE | Pending review of XA I&O/TRI |
The weekly "stoplight" HITS Metric Report was presented. This report shows hardware and/or service/support delivered, on schedule, and not meeting planned delivery date or program need date. Open for 6A is the Top-Mounted Passive WIF Assy. Not meeting program need date for 7A is the General Purpose Cutter Replacement Unit. All hardware deliveries are within required dates for 7A.1.
This item was deferred.
- Gage Status EC5/K. Hostetler
- H-0959 – HST PFR Starboard APC Integration XA/J. DuttonH-0969 Evaluate Use of OIHs While Soft Docked XA/S. Broussard, DX3/O. Koehler
This status will not be presented until the monththe first Monday of April.
The APC carrying the HST PFR, PFR extender and jettison handle had to be moved from Port Bay 13 to Starboard Bay 10. This CCBD requests fabrication of a new short shaft, drawing updates, loads models, and building up the starboard configuration to support HST PFR starboard APC integration for STS-109.This CCBD requests using a soft docked OIH as a translation path on STS-104 (7A). It is being proposed to provide additional crew stabilization capability beyond "launched in place" handrails during brief translation to the worksite area.
The Panel was polled and in agreement not to endorse leaving this hardware soft docked.
Decision: Disapprove. MOD to try to find another method for translation.
H-0725R2 Modify Camera Mount Assembly with Equipment Hook Stop Work XA/L. Crocker H-0966 Repackage Nitrogen Dioxide Draeger Tubes USA/D. Edwards
This CCBD requests changing the Draeger Tube Nitrogen Dioxide packaging from a green foil laminate pouch to a clear bite size package.
This Revision 5 to the STS-100 ESEL contains required configuration updates. No quantity changes are included.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence.
- H-0668R7 Update STS-102 (5A.1) Tools ESEL XA/A. Mears
- H-858R1 Update STS-102 Tool-to-Tool Fitcheck Matrix HSMS/J. Case
- H-0960 STS-102 Open Tool-to-Tool Fitchecks HSMS/J. Case
This Revision 7 to the STS-102 ESEL contains various serial number updates and deletes the return of SAFERs and associated hardware.
Decision: Obtain concurrence of XA/B. Johnson and Route for technical concurrence.
forward to EHB for approval.
This CCBD updates the STS-102 Tool-to-Tool Fitcheck Matrix to reflect the STS-102 Rev 7 Tools ESEL.
Decision: Route for technical concurrence.
This CCBD requests EHB concurrence on accepting the risk of not performing all tool-to-tool fitchecks for STS-102. Root cause of the inability to complete the fitchecks is late addition of tools to the flight, new hardware builds, and hardware logistics disconnects and planned operational use. Fitcheck status was presented to the STS-102 EVA FRR, held 2/27/01. In the future, all fitcheck status is to be documented prior to FRR.
Decision: Forward to 3/7/01 EHB.
- Extension of USA SAFER Sliders ER/K. Lewis
Background: Due to the design of the Small EMU and EMU Planar HUT, some crewmembers may be unable to operate the manual isolation valve or deploy the HCM to initiate a self-rescue without extending the sliders forward.
This presentation is in response to action requirements contained in H-0906 – Extension of USA SAFER Sliders. The action called for ER to provide cost and schedule estimates for the following:
- Developing a viable design concept for moving the SAFER slider mechanisms forward 2 inches.
- Developing the detailed design, fabrication, and certification plan for the new concept.
- Retrofitting the Class I SAFER fleet and the Class III SAFER Engineering Unit with the modifications.
- Updating the required documents as appropriate.
A review of the SAFER drawing list has identified 49 drawings that will require modification or replacement to implement the change, with a possibility of more being identified during the design process. The structural redesign will require new stress and thermal analyses and a repeat of development and certification test programs.
Several issues were also brought forward. Modifications will require change of HCM deployment, causing SAFER to violate PRD stowed volume requirements, increasing weight, and increasing risk of inadvertent HCM deployment and Manual Nitrogen Isolation Valve closure.
At the ROM estimate of $4.130K, and the 2.5 years required to build and certify, ER has recommended not implementing this change.
CB/C. Nicollier requested data on reach evaluations and further evaluation or existing spreadsheet on length of time taken to reach sliders. The chairman suggested ER provide (to the EHB) the data on the negative loads margin due to the extension of the sliders.
Decision: Forward to 3/7/01 EHB.
No further items were submitted and the Tools Panel adjourned.
Submitted by: Approved by:
(Original signed by) (Original signed by) ________________________________ ________________________________ Harriett A. Attaway D. G. LeStourgeonDale R. Roberts EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Secretary Acting EVA Tools & Crew Aids Panel Chairman
Note: CARD changes are normally routed for concurrence after the Panel adjourns. Initiators are requested to be present or have representation for discussion of the change.