Status Report

EVA Hardware Board (EHB) Minutes of Meeting March 14, 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
March 14, 2001
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The EHB met at JSC on March 14, 2001, in Building 1, Room 360, at 1:00 p.m. Representatives from the following organizations participated:

EVA Project Office

Hardware Development

Integration and Operations

Astronaut Office

Engineering Directorate

Crew & Thermal Systems Division

EVA and Spacesuit Systems

EVA, Robotics, & Crew Systems



Hamilton Sundstrand Windsor Locks (HSWL) via telecon

Hamilton Sundstrand Management Services



EHB Board members from the following organizations participated:

XA/Tools and Crew Aids, XA/Integration and Operations, XA/Business Office, DX3/EVA, Robotics, & Crew Systems, EA/Engineering, EC5/EVA and Spacesuit Systems, MV5/FCE, and NA/SR&QA.


The following items were presented:


  1. Hardware Integration Schedule XA/B. Counts

Changes to the schedule include: STS-104 (7A) ISS A/L CEIT 3/19/01, PLB ship 4/3/01, flight ship 5/23/01, late ship 5/25/01, V1103 6/5/01; and launch 6/14/01; STS-109 (UF1) PLB ship 8/8/01, CEIT ship 9/5/01, CEIT 9/14/01, Bench Review 9/28/01, flight ship 10/11/01, late ship 10/17/01, V1103 10/22/01, and launch NET 11/1/01.

  1. Gold Salt/Hydrazine Detection System for 7A — EC3/J. Graf
  2. A presentation to the 2/26/01 Tools Panel proposed development of a hand-held sample pump and associated PGT adapter that will use the PGT output shaft rotation as a motor by which to draw air through the gold salt indicator pad for hydrazine detection. Since that time, a new concept is being proposed to add a single piece of Teflon (acting as an adapter to connect up to tubing connected to the Hydrazine detection device). This concept will be worked and tested before airlock closeout occurs. This new concept will be presented to the March 15 GCB, which funded the PGT proposal. If problems occur with the new valve concept, the original PGT concept will be continued as originally planned.

  3. STS-104 (7A) Post-ISS Airlock SSP and ISS Core Tool Quantities Tiger Team Results — XA/B. Counts

A comparison of standard SSP and ISS core tools vs. Post 7A ISS airlock quantities was presented in February to the Tools Panel and EHB. The presentation reflected a lack of agreement by the EVA and ISS communities. Strawman quantities for the ISS core only were issued in April 1999 as part of the Standard Tools ESEL, Rev. 14 (pre-ELD) and was intended to give the ISS program a ROM for weight and volume for post 7A ISS manifests. Since that time, types and quantities of tools considered required or standard have changed considerably. Added have been ERCA, REBA’s, REBA Extension Cable, REBA Charger, Hydrazine Detection Kit, Tether Extenders, and EMU Middeck Charger.

Impact to SSP core quantities of ISS Airlock ops was not addressed. Four Waist Tethers, 2 RET’s, 2 Adjustable Equipment Tethers, 2 Drop Proof Tether Adapters, 6 EHIP Batteries, 2 EHIP’s, 2 MWS Baseplates and associated piece parts are all part of the SSP core — not the ISS core.

Decision of final post ISS Airlock SSP core and ISS core quantities affects future flight allocations and inventory builds.

  • Affects what is available to launch on 7A

  • Allocation between HST-03B and close-in ISS flights (UF1, 8A)

  • If post 7A manifested quantities do go to zero, it is possible that some quantities requested on H-0820R1 could be reduced.

A Tiger Team comprised of representatives from XA/Hardware Development, XA/Integration and Operations, XA/Technology and Russian Integration, MOD, and CB was formed and the following options considered:

  • Option 1 — ISS core for items left on-orbit would go to zero

  • Option 2 — ISS core for items left on-orbit would be reduced

  • Continued use of current ISS core quantities not possible due to lack of new builds requested April 2000 on H-0820R1

  • Impact of limited life considerations (tool rotation) not considered due to lack of supporting personnel

Implementation of team recommendations will require changes to the 7A, 7A.1, SSP core and ISS core ESEL’s as well as to the Shuttle core itself (through NSTS 07700). Limited life expiration and consumables depletion will be handled on a mission-specific basis.

Required mission ESEL changes to finalize ISS A/L tool quantities:

  • 7A

  • Leave the 4 Tether Extensions, 2 RH Swingarms and 1 DPT on-orbit

  • Leave another 2 ISS GP caddies if ready; otherwise, move to 7A.1

  • 7A.1

  • Leave 2 -381 RET’s, 1 -383 RET, 1 -385 RET, 1 PGT, 1 BRT, 1 ERCA on-orbit for backup plus 1 RH Swingarm, 3 MMWS End Effectors, 1-2 T-bars. UF1 or sub would have to leave remaining 1-2 T-bars when new builds arrive.

  • Post ISS A/L ISS Core

  • 2 BRT’s (assumes new builds)

  • 1 Adjustable Fuse tether

  • 1 SAFER with installed battery

  • 1 SAFER Switch Guard

  • 1 SAFER Utility Tool

  • Tethers, EHIP/PGT items, MMWS Key Strap, Hydrazine Detector, N204 Draeger Tubes and ATCO canister deleted

Note: This post ISS A/L core will require that in the event of the 96-bolt contingency, 2 PGT’s from ISS be retrieved by having the ISS crew put them in the ISS airlock then having the shuttle EVA crew depress the crew lock from outside to go get them. With 4 PGT’s total on-orbit, there would still be 2 inside ISS if that were to occur. DX3/M. Hembree will go to the JOP for buy-in.

  • Post ISS A/L SSP Core

  • 2 Adjustable Equipment Tethers

  • 2 Eq-Eq RET’s

  • 2 MMWS Baseplates

  • 2 MMWS T-bars/gimbals (assumes new builds)

  • 1 MMWS Key Strap

  • 4 Waist Tethers

  • 4 EHIP Batteries (down from 6)

  • 2 EHIP’s

  • 1 Middeck GP Caddy

  • 1 A/L stowage bag, EVA accessory bag, SSP 3/8" Ratchet, EVA Adj. Wrench, Vol. H Inboard and Outboard Bags

  • TSA quantities unchanged

  • Drop Proof Tether Adapters deleted

Note: MMWS piece parts will be middeck locker stowed (baseplate will not hang off EMU). If TSA stowage ever desired as middeck get well, then the baseplate and T-bar would be re-integrated (key strap not needed).

Implementation of team recommendations is needed prior to 7A.1 CCCD on 4/4/01. Updates to the SSP and ISS core Tools ESEL’s, as well as to the 7A and 7A.1 ESEL’s, will be processed OSB.

This will be presented to the Manifest Working Group and MIOCB.

  1. PRACA Status NS43/T. Miller

Sixteen FIAR’s are open for EVA hardware and are shown by flight as follows:

STS-100 (6A) 4

STS-104 (7A) 12

STS-105 (7A.1) 15

One new FIAR was reported:

JSCEC0860 — Body Restraint Tether (BRT). BRT would not stay stabilized after 50 in-lbs was set at tensioning collar.

EC5/K. Hostetler to investigate.

The following FIAR’s for STS-100 were statused:

BFCE029F105 — Pistol Grip Tool (PGT). PGT Tool chatter.


JSCEC 0853F — Bayonet Probe. Unsatisfactory fit of bayonet probes to bayonet receptacles.

Have yet to reproduce problem on ground. For next flight, change out receptacles and work long-term solution.

JSCEC0859F — Socket Caddy. STS-98 anomaly — PIP pin recessed actuator button not easily accessible.


The oldest FIAR, against the Adaptive Payload Carrier, is 554 days old.

  1. Certification Status NS22/G. Wright

There are two open hardware certifications for STS-100 – -307 SAFER IVA Battery and SAFER Inhibit Plug and Tool Assembly. XA/A. Huynh to contact NC/C. Estrada for status.

Twenty-one items are showing open certification for STS-104.

  1. EMU RDR and Certification Status NC512/C. Sager

The total open EMU RDR’s by flight are as follows:

STS-100 (6A) 11

STS-104 (7A) 8

STS-105 (7A.1) 3

STS-100 RDR’s: The Phase VI Glove Heater element RDR will stay open past CoFR2. Still trying to resolve RDR’s for low circuit voltage on the Advanced Battery, relief valve lock nut Adhesive loose on the IC Battery and the Advanced Battery relief valve reseat. The RDR on loss of power indication of Middeck Battery Charger is in signature loop.

There are two open certification items for STS-100 — MMWS Flight Cover and PLSS TMG, pending ESEL revisions. EMU ESEL revisions are not being approved in a timely manner; some are not approved until after launch. This is a "paperwork broke" which is being worked at the EMU Panel.

The STS-104 (7A) Certification Status lists 26 open certification items. All are showing "Red", but are being worked.

  1. Funds Transfer Status XA/J. Hall

The following funds were transferred:

—– - USA SAFER Thermal Enhancements - $81K

H-0948 - Quarter Turn Fasteners for HST - $14.4K

H-0950 - JCAR 130 Priority "A" Tools Recommendation Implementation - $450K

H-0957 - ORU Transfer Bags - $15K

H-0808R4 - Extend MMWS Allowable Moment Arm - $34K

—– - LTA Cable Bags - $20K

H-0749R1 - SAFER On-Orbit Trainer - $163K

—– - Additional Funds for Hazard Analysis on EMU GSE - $165K

  1. IFA Status
  2. This item was deferred.

  3. EMU Rotation Plan XA/L. Kearney

Changes to the EMU Rotation Plan will be presented to the EHB the last Wednesday of each month

  1. USA SAFER Flight Logistics Plan — XA/A. Huynh
  2. Changes to the USA Safer Flight Logistics Plan will be presented to the EHB the last Wednesday of each month.

  3. EHB Action Status XA/G. Lutz

This item was deferred.

No further items were brought forward, and the EHB meeting adjourned.



Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

___________________________ ____________________________

Harriett Attaway Glenn C. Lutz

EHB Secretary EHB Chairman

SpaceRef staff editor.