ESA TV News — info on STS-102 video feed of 8 March
On 8 March, ESA TV News provides the following feed:
15:00-15:20 GMT
Shuttle mission STS-102 Flight Day 1 Highlights
Please note the different than usual satellite transmission parameters below.
Background information on the transmission:
NASA-TV transmits, a few hours after lift-off, a 15-minute B-roll compilation of the best images of the Shuttle crew launch preparations (suit-up, walk-out to launch pad), of final countdown, lift-off and flight of Shuttle Discovery to mission STS-102.
The ESA TV Service rebroadcasts these images live to Europe, in time for use in the evening news programmes. In case the launch is postponed, no such flight day 1 highlights are transmitted.
Satellite transmission parameters
NSS-K at 21.5 degrees West
Transponder H07, dig ch 2 (MCPC), vertical
F=11591 MHz, SR=20150 MS/sec, FEC=3/4
For further information and a daily update of the transmission schedule, visit our website at For all enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail