Genesis Mission Outreach E-News, 15th Edition February 2001
Visit the Genesis mission outreach Web site at:
Genesis Kids
Do you know a child who loves space science and wants to get involved in Genesis mission activities? Introduce them to Genesis Kids — — the newest addition to the Genesis Web site. They will find lots of activities, including an interactive game called “Suiting Up” that lets them simulate putting on a clean room bunny suit. Genesis Kids was developed for children ages 11 and under, but big kids are welcome too! Stay tuned for more Genesis Kids fun to come.
Genesis Grams
“I wish I could go to Mars someday and I wish Genesis good luck! I think Genesis is very exciting,” wrote a brother and sister from Wheatridge, Colorado. This submission and the remaining Genesis Grams have been engraved on the Genesis microchip and are awaiting launch aboard the spacecraft in mid-2001. A number of classroom projects as well as individual entries were submitted and are the first entries to be posted on the Genesis site. You can view Genesis Grams for ages 10-and-under at: Watch next month for another update.
Teachers, are you attending the annual NSTA convention in St. Louis?
Are you attending the 2001 NSTA convention in St. Louis next month? McREL Genesis Education and Public Outreach will have a virtual feast of materials for you, including the Genesis 2001 NSTA-series poster, drawings for prizes each day, and a host of opportunities for you to interact with mission outreach activities. Plan to visit us in the exhibition hall at the McREL booth #178. You can also find Genesis outreach team members staffing the NASA exhibit area. We’d love to have the opportunity to visit with you! View our NSTA conference schedule page on the Genesis site at: and check out our schedule of NSTA and NSELA conference presentations.
An Apple for the Teacher
Teachers, we care about what you think. After using Genesis education materials in your classroom, please assist us by completing one of the feedback forms posted on the Web site at: Your input is important to us. To thank you, we ask you to choose a free gift for your classroom and we will send it to you. It’s that simple!
Tell Us Where You Found Us!
We know that Genesis Web site users come from a variety of sources. We have posted a simple, one-question survey online that asks how you found us. Would you take a moment to fill it out? We truly appreciate your response.
Genesis Mission Outreach E-News features information about the mission, its outreach Web site, and products, services, and materials available from the McREL Genesis Education and Public Outreach (EPO) team. NASA’s Discovery Mission: Genesis is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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Subscription Information
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Please forward this e-mail to share with others interested in NASA missions. This subscription is a free service offered by the NASA Genesis mission outreach team at Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL). Based in Aurora, Colorado, McREL is a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to improve education through applied research and development. McREL provides products and services, primarily for K-12 educators, to promote the best instructional practices in the classroom.