XA/EVA Project Office Weekly Activity Report 23 Feb 2001
Hubble Space Telescope Cargo Integration Review
The EVA Project Office supported the STS-109 Cargo Integration Review for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Servicing Mission-3B. Significant items discussed during the review included the 5-EVA task sequence, middeck stowage requirements, and payload bay hardware configuration. In summary, the JSC-GSFC team has agreed that the primary scheduled EVA tasks will be performed in the following sequence: -V2 Solar Array, +V2 Solar Array, Power Control Unit, Advanced Camera for Surveys, and the Nicmos Cooling System. Based on the current tool lists, analysis indicates that the middeck is full, but EVA stowage requirements can be accommodated. In the payload bay, improved latch mechanisms for the HST Portable Foot Restraint are currently being fabricated. An EVA concern was also raised regarding the new forward bulkhead light/radiator assembly, which interferes with operation of the EVA winch, and with installation of the payload bay door bulkhead latch tool. Further work is required to determine if the light/radiator design can be modified, or if the assembly can be deleted from this flight.
Node 2 Design Review 2 Data Package Submittal
Lockheed Martin Space Operations personnel, in support of the EVA Project Office, submitted the final Node 2 EVA outfitting design to Marshal Space Flight Center Nodes 2/3 Project Office for inclusion in the Node 2 Design Review #2 Data Package. The EVA Project Office is supplying the layout drawing of EVA translation aids and attachments for Node 2. The EVA portion of the data package contains layout drawings and supporting worksite analysis reports proving compliance with EVA design requirements. EVA personnel from the EVA Project Office, Flight Crew Operations Directorate, and Mission Operations Directorate will review the data package and submit review item discrepancy notices during Design Review 2 scheduled for March 19-30, 2001.
On-Orbit SAFER Status
The USA Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) serial number 1005 is acceptable to be left on-orbit based on the latest data obtained during IVA checkouts of the unit on STS-98 (5A). The pre-flight data from STS-97 indicated the possibility of a slight leak in the nitrogen system. The data from STS-97 was superceded with data from more accurate subsequent checkouts. The STS-97 data was not as accurate due to small fluctuations in temperature, which became less significant over a longer period of time. Both SAFER units 1005 and 1007 are currently on orbit to support the EVA’s on STS-102/5A.1 and STS-100/6A prior to their return to the ground.
Inboard Truss Element EVA Acceptance Tests
Over the last few weeks, EVA personnel have completed acceptance testing on several EVA mechanisms on truss segments S1, P1, S3, and P3. Installation of Segment-to-Segment Attach System manual bolts for segments attached to S1 were performed on January 6, 2001. Installation and removal of these contingency bolts was successfully accomplished and bolt torques are within EVA capability (30-240 in-lbs. at ambient temperature). EVA bolt torques and connectors were successfully verified on the Segment S3 Solar Array Rotary Joint zenith and nadir Drive Lock Assemblies (SARJ DLA’s) during acceptance testing on January 23, 2001. This was followed by successful manual rotation of the Segment S1 Mobile Transporter Stop on January 25, 2001. The P1 direct-to-direct current converter unit (DDCU) wire harnesses, connector box, and cold plate fasteners were actuated February 8, 2001. Bolt torques and connectors were acceptable but interference between line clamp #5 and wire harness W5360 requires further work per Problem Report #867.
Original signed by:
G. Allen Flynt
Deputy Manager
Gregory J. Harbaugh