STS-98 Status Report #08 11 Feb 2001 6:00 AM CST
Awakened to the sounds of the “Blue Danube Waltz” from the
movie, “2001: A Space Odyssey”, Atlantis’ astronauts geared
up for their first entry into the newly installed Destiny Laboratory
of the International Space Station later this morning.
Commander Ken Cockrell,
Pilot Mark Polansky, and Mission Specialists Bob Curbeam, Marsha Ivins
and Tom Jones, and the Expedition One crew — Commander Bill Shepherd,
Pilot Yuri Gidzenko and Flight Engineer Sergei Krikalev, were allowed
to sleep later than planned after having worked late Saturday night
to activate Destiny’s critical systems. At the time of the Atlantis
astronauts’ wakeup shortly after 5 a.m. Central time, Destiny’s critical
thermal control system was operating perfectly, having reduced temperatures
inside the new research facility to a comfortable 75 degrees Farenheit.
Working side by
side, the eight crewmembers plan to open the hatch between the Station’s
Unity module and Destiny for the first time at around 8:13 a.m. Central
time, and will begin a day-long operation to outfit the newest addition
to the expanding outpost. The initial interior lab work will include
the activation of air conditioners, fire extinguishers, computers, internal
communications systems, electrical outlets, ventilation systems, alarm
systems and the installation of a rack designed to purify the air, augmenting
the Russian Vozdukh system in the Zvezda living quarters, which removes
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of the Station’s modules.
Other racks used
for tool and experiment stowage will also be installed. Because of weight
considerations, Destiny was launched with only 5 of its 24 racks installed.
Eight empty rack bays are equipped to provide almost 300 cubic feet
of stowage. Destiny’s first science rack, called the Human Research
Facility, will be launched next month when the Expedition Two crew of
Yury Usachev, Jim Voss and Susan Helms is ferried to orbit aboard Discovery
to replace Shepherd, Gidzenko and Krikalev.
The vital spinup
of four large gyroscopes housed on the Z1 external truss structure by
Destiny’s computers is planned late Monday, following the second spacewalk
by Jones and Curbeam. Those so-called Control Moment Gyros will be tested
throughout the week to insure that Destiny can assume command and control
of critical Station functions and Station orientation in the weeks ahead.
Later today, after
Cockrell and Polansky raise the Station’s altitude through the firing
of Atlantis’ jet thrusters, Jones and Curbeam will prepare tools and
other gear which will be used in Monday’s second spacewalk. That second
excursion will involve the attachment of a Station docking adapter temporary
parked on the Z1 truss to the forward end of Destiny to establish a
new docking port for future Shuttle assembly flights. Jones and Curbeam
will also attach a special electronic grapple fixture and video converter
unit to the hull of Destiny in preparation for the deployment of the
Station’s first robotic arm in April.
Atlantis and the
International Space Station are currently orbiting at an altitude of
228 statute miles with all systems functioning in excellent shape. Today’s
Mission Status Briefing will be seen on NASA Television at 3 p.m. Central
time. The next mission status report will be issued around 7 p.m., or
sooner, if events warrant.