Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 7 November 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
November 7, 2000
Filed under

SATOPS MORNING REPORT – November 7, 2000


No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.

NOAA-16 operations nominal.

A meeting was held yesterday to discuss the NOAA-15 AMSU-A Channel 14
anomaly and associated system impacts.  Although additional data is
forthcoming from Aerojet (the AMSU-A vendor), the consensus opinion is
that the solar array slew (that occurred ~45 minutes after the channel
failure) was an independent event.  Other AMSU-A performance parameters
are reported nominal.  Preliminarily, an identical array slew (from
-45 degrees to +53 degrees) is tentatively planned for next Tuesday pending
the go-ahead from the Soundings Product Area Leader.

NOAA-12 rev 49252 / F at 1836Z on November 6:  The stored table
load failed during this pass.  The spacecraft did not have a stored
command table running at AOS.  The table was restarted during a call-up
pass during rev 49254 at WCDAS.  Resultant data losses:  L2A,
L4A, L1B, G5B (short, 27.4%).  G1A, G3A and L3B recovered successfully
on rev 49255.  Alternative scheduling for command table loads is being

NOAA-14 rev 30174 / W at 2023Z on November 6:  G1B noisy from spacecraft. 
Received 94.43% of the data.  100% of G1B was successfully recovered
on rev 30178 / F at 0319Z on November 7.

NOAA-14 rev 30181 / W at 0847Z on November 7:  G3A noisy from spacecraft. 
Received 94.8% of the data.  Another recovery attempt will not be
possible due to recorder scheduling limitations.

POES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.

DMSP operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.

At 1615Z on Monday, November 6, a GOES-10 frame break was observed and
attributed to RFI at CDA (unknown source).

GOES-9 and GOES-11 remain in the Z-Axis Precession (ZAP) storage mode
at ~105 deg W.

GOES operations were nominal over the past 24 hours.


Questions or comments to

SpaceRef staff editor.