Mars Global Surveyor Status Report 11 October 2000
Wednesday, October 11, 2000 (DOY 278/19:00:00 to DOY 285/19:00:00 UTC)
Launch / Days since Launch = Nov. 7, 1996 / 1435 days
Start of Mapping / Days since Start of Mapping = April 1, 1999 / 559 days Total Mapping Orbits = 7,131
Total Orbits = 8,734
Recent Events:
Background Sequences — The spacecraft continues to operate nominally in performing the beta-supplement daily recording and transmission of science data. The mm076 sequence executed successfully from 00-279 (10/5/00) through 00-281 (10/7/00). The mm077 sequence has performed well since it started on 00-282 (10/8/00). It terminates on 00-285 (10/11/00). The mm078 sequence, successfully uplinked on 00-285 (10/11/00), begins executing on 00-286 (10/12/00).
Other – MGS completed fifteen MOLA Polar Scans over five days from 00-281 (10/7/00) through 00-285 (10/11/00). They were part of the mz059 mini-sequence.
Spacecraft Health:
All subsystems report nominal health.
There have been 13 uplinks to the spacecraft during the last week, including new star catalogs and ephemeris files, instrument command loads and the sequences cited above. There have been 4,904 command files radiated to the spacecraft since launch.
Upcoming Events:
The mm079 background sequence will be uplinked on 00-287 (10/13/00). The next set of specialized science observations occur in November. MOLA Polar Scans, contained in the mz062 mini-sequence, will be performed on 00-316 (11/11/00) through 00-319 (11/14/00). Radio Science Occultation Egress Scans, scheduled for 00-322 (11/17/00) through 00-325 (11/20/00), will be commanded by the mz062 mini-sequence.