EMU Panel Minutes 26 July 2000
The EMU Panel convened at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2000. Topics of discussion are as follows:
- Flight Readiness Review
- STS-106/2A.2b (S. Anderson – X39311)
- SSER certification is complete at the component level. Documentation is being forwarded to HSWL.
- There is an open issue with regard to moving the STS-92 suit up for an STS-106 ETA. This would require configuring the EMU for 3-volt cables rather than 12-volt as slated for STS-92.
- STS-92/3A (R. McDaniel X33787)
- REBA battery certification should be completed next week.
- DIDBs are being added to this flight for Increment-1 crew. This issue needs to clarified with the Orlan group. DIDB certification completion is scheduled for this week.
- Revision two to the ESEL will be presented at the next panel.
- STS-97/ 4A (C. Donnellan – X35896)
- STS-98/ 5A (D. Oswald X39330)
- STS-102/ 5A.1 (S. Anderson X39311)
No issues to report.
No issues to report.
No issues to report.
II. PLSS and DCM Hardware Status
IV. Certification Status
V. CCBDs and PPDOs
The following items were presented and directed as follows:
- H7082 EMU LSS Secondary Oxygen Package (SOP) Pre-V1103.02 Integration Test Waiver Approved with changes.
- H7083 EMU LSS Secondary Oxygen Package (SOP) Post-V1103.02 Integration Test Waiver Approved with changes.
- H7078 EMU LSS PLSS Waiver Withdrawn
- H7079 EMU LSS SAR/HR #EMU-002 Revision (There is a new contamination cause; however, we are not increasing the risk. Therefore, there is not a need to present this at the SSRP. This change can be incorporated during the next bi-annual update.) Withdrawn. S&MA later reported that the SAR changes need to be incorporated prior to STS-106. Is the hazard report update a flight constraint? Evaluate the controls recommended and those already in place Approved with changes.
- H7075 EMU LSS Waive Useful Life of Five I-146 Positive Pressure Relief Valve Deferred.
- H7074 EMU LSS Suit Pressure Gauge Expiration Date Waiver Deferred.
- H7081 EMU LSS Suit Pressure Gauge Internal Cleanliness Waiver Approved with changes. (This change was subsequently withdrawn during an RDR meeting.)
- H7044R1 EMU LSS CWS Redesign Effort Deferred.
- H6888R1 EMU Manifesting Requirements for STS-95/5A Route outside of the panel for approval.
- H7072 EMU SSA Standard Repair Procedure for Looptape Base Cloth Windowing Deferred.
All action items were deferred.
The following actions are open:
00-05 S. Cagle and M. Hembree/ At the next technical review (June/July), provide a status as to the progress of the team established to incorporate configuration control for USA FCE/EVA flight Data books. Due July 31, 2000.
00-22 J. Ferketic Review the CM plan regarding the YTN process versus what we are working to. Provide corrective action to improve the process. Present recommendations and findings at the LSS and SSA telecons prior to EMU Panel. Due May 31, 2000. Current process is not acceptable. Evaluate process change and return to EMU Panel. Due June 28, 2000.
00-24 N. Lefferts Provide a schedule for IRCO2 replacements. Due August 9, 2000.
00-25 S. Dionne Present recommendation for improving the Service Instruction process to better include USA/FCE EVA. Due July 19, 2000.
No actions were closed.
No new actions were assigned:
The next action number to be assigned is 00-26.
VII. Issues and Special Topics
Prepared by: Approved by:
(Original signed by)
(Original signed by)
Tami R. Ethridge Brian J. Johnson
EMU Configuration EMU Panel Chairman