Minutes for August 29, 2000 EVA AIT
To: Distribution
From: XA/Nancy J. Patrick
Subject: Minutes for August 29, 2000 EVA AIT
The EVA AIT met at the Johnson Space Center on August 29, 2000. Boeing/Lou Ramon and XA/Nancy Patrick co-chaired the meeting. Representatives from CB/Flight Crew Operations, XA/EVA Project Office, NC/Flight Systems Safety and Mission Assurance, DX32/EVA Systems/Mission Operations, OM/ISS Mission Integration, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing-Houston (EVA and Safety) were present. Representatives from the Kennedy Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center and Boeing Development Centers supported by telecon. Copies of presentations can be obtained from XA/Charlotte Shannon, Building 1, room 661, (281) 483-5259.
1. Introduction/AI Review Boeing/Lou Ramon
XA/Nancy Patrick
The Following Decision Package was distributed for review September 12, 2000:
PG1-P3/S3-991: EVA Bolt Head Dimensions
The Following Decision Packages were dispositioned (distributed August 15):
PG2-P6-20002: Exception to PV Module EVA PIDS Requirement for the Ammonia Servicer (S684-10151, Paragraph
Decision: The EVA AIT approved this PIDS exception
NCR-COL-ESA-0002/A: Sharp Edges Columbus Module
Decision: The EVA AIT approved this PIDS exception
The Following Decision Package was dispositioned (distributed August 1, deferred from August 15):
BCP-EVCS-022: Soft Capture
Open Work from August 15: Canoga Parks intent is to allow verification by analysis. All present at the EVA AIT determined that additional discussion with the structures and mechanisms leads was required to confirm the appropriate method for verification of soft capture.
Decision: The EVA AIT disapproved this PIDS exception. The EVA AITs position is that this requirement should be verified by either test or demonstration. Soft capture design can be verified through NBL testing, and the EVA AIT wants to maintain the ability to participate in subjective, 1-g testing of hardware during flight installation where appropriate. Mr. Boller agreed that the requirement is not an EVA requirement and after further consultation with the Structures and Mechanisms group, felt that the PIDS exception is not required, based on their verification plans for soft capture.
The Following Action Items were reviewed:
AI-494: This action was CLOSED. Mr. Ramon provided the list of non-7/16" bolts. Ms. Patrick will provide the list to SVITO and XA hardware group to determine if gauges are required or if other means of confirming bolt size is sufficient.
AI-504: This action remains open and will be addressed again September 12. There are still some questions about WIF 6 and WIF 28 on S6/P6. PG2/Scott Boller will determine whether these WIFs are OTD compatible. Mr. Ramon will report further on efforts to document this type of information in the SSODB.
AI-510: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 26. There was no update from previous discussions.
AI-511: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 26. There was no update from previous discussions.
AI-513: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 26. Additional work is required on the analysis to address this issue.
AI-514: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 12. PG1 needs to add information on the UTS alignment tool, FLRK and vent tools.
AI-522: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 26. There was no update from previous discussions.
AI-527: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 12 and 26. Additional work is required to ensure the recommended documentation of the requirements is adequate, especially in light of past performance. On September 12, B-Hou/Matt Mickle and LMES/Bob Wilkes will report on data exchange, with a final recommendation for requirements flow on September 26. See minutes below for additional information.
AI-528: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 12 and 26. On September 12, B-Hou/Matt Mickle and LMES/Bob Wilkes will report on data exchange, with a final report on the interface issue on September 26. See minutes below for additional information.
AI-529: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 12 and 26. Additional work is required to ensure the recommended documentation of the requirements is adequate, especially in light of past performance. On September 12, B-Hou/Matt Mickle and LMES/Bob Wilkes will report on data exchange, with a final recommendation for requirements flow on September 26. See minutes below for additional information.
AI-532: This action remains open and will be addressed again on September 12. See minutes below for additional information.
AI-533: This action was CLOSED. No issues were found with the proposed MISSE location.
AI-534: This action was CLOSED. The splinter was held on August 22, with follow-up discussions scheduled for September 12.
2. FRAM/ORU to Large EVA Tools Integration B-Hou/Matt Mickle
Status LMES/Bob Wilkes,
Mr. Mickle started the discussion by reviewing the current requirements flow. It is the External Carriers Office position that existing requirements are sufficient. Mr. Mickle reviewed the bidding on the history of the issue and the components of the ORU/FRAM/Carrier/FSE. Mr. Mickle then discussed the existing requirements flow. The parent document for all external support equipment is SSP 50492: General ISS On-Orbit Requirements for Non-Pressurized Support Equipment. This document contains a reference to the EVA Standard ICD, including the requirement that FSE shall structurally and mechanically attach to the EVA aids in accordance with the EVA ICD. Mr. Mickle also explained that an external carrier handbook is in work that provides information about each ORU, however this is not a requirements document. Mr. Mickle explained that when FSE is identified that will use the FRAM, a specification unique to that FSE is developed, and the requirement flows down from the parent document. Mr. Mickle suggested some changes to the EVA ICD to better document the tool capabilities. His contention is that the FSE developer is responsible for ensuring the parent requirement flows down and the hardware is compatible with the EVA hardware. However the EVA AIT was not convinced this system works, given the fact that the RIDs that cited that the EVA tools compatibility had not been demonstrated were rejected at the FRAM/DCSU FSE CDRs (held concurrently). The requirements had not flowed down adequately to the FSE developer and were not even acknowledged.
The EVA AIT questioned the requirements in the FRAM IDD and whether those are adequate to cover the situation. Mr. Mickle did not have the IDD with him and was not familiar enough with it to address the specific requirements it contains. The EVA AIT again contended that if the IDD is currently adequate, the RIDS would have been addressed at the FRAM/DCSU CDR.
Mr. Wilkes then presented information on the requirements necessary to ensure EVA compatibility. Mr. Wilkes suggested that the ORUs must be able to determine the following to show EVA compatibility:
- Distance from center of the FRAM SGI to the farthest point on an ORU
- Distance from center of the FRAM SGI to the combined FRAM/adapter/ORU COG
- Combined weight of FRAM/adapter/ORU
Mr. Wilkes then outlined his position on the requirements necessary to meet the above. The following information must be documented in some requirements document:
- Distance from center of FRAM SGI to adapter plate bolt pattern
- Distance from center of FRAM SGI to FRAM COG
- Weight of FRAM
- Reference to EVA tool loading limits in the EVA ICD
The first bullet is in the IDD, however no one present knew whether the rest of the information is documented. Its also not clear whether the IDD is formally baselined and imposed on FSE developers. Ms. Patrick asked Mr. Mickle and Mr. Wilkes to meet and come up with specific recommendations for changes to both the EVA ICD and the FRAM requirements. Ms. Patrick requested a status on September 12, with a final recommendation on September 26.
The discussion then turned to an evaluation of the existing ORU list for compatibility with the EVA tools. Mr. Wilkes did not have any information to present. Ms. Patrick then asked that rather than evaluate each ORU against the EVA tools with the existing kick-load requirements, that a worst case ORU be determined, and analysis be performed to determine what load the tools can take. If the load is acceptable, and the requirements can be adequately documented to ensure this is the worst case, then the issue can be closed. This was the suggestion of XA/Steve Poulos when informed of the issue. Mr. Wilkes expressed some reservation about reducing the acceptable kick-load limit, and suggested that structures representatives present the origin of the requirement. Ms. Patrick agreed and will request their support for the EVA AIT on September 26. Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Mickle agreed to consult and determine the worst case ORU and the parameters required to support the analysis. They will report on the data exchange status on September 12, with a final report on September 26.
Action Item Closure: AI-527, 528 and 529 remain open and will be updated with the current direction.
3. 5A, 5A.1 NASA Fit Check Matrix Reviews XA/George Guirgis,
9A, 11A, 12A, 13A Boeing FCM Reviews PG1/Steve Gray, PG2/Scott Boller
Mr. Guirgis reported for Ms. Tullar that no inputs were received concerning the changes presented two weeks earlier. Ms. Patrick requested that Ms. Tullar report on the questions from the earlier presentation prior to formally approving the changes. Additionally, CA/Fernando Ramos noted that the window change out components need to be added to item 5042.
5A.1 FCM
Mr. Guirgis reported that he received no inputs from the presentation two weeks earlier. Mr. Boller indicated that he had some inputs that he had just sent. Mr. Guirgis agreed to review them and make a final recommendation. There were some questions about whether the PFCS assembly will be fit checked to the ESP on the ground prior to flight. This was in the fit check matrix (attaching the PFCS to the ESP). Mr. Guirgis agreed to address fit checking the PFCS assembly to the ESP in the 5A.1 IPT, and will initiate the appropriate paperwork to accomplish the fit check if it is deemed out of scope.
9A/11A FCMs
These FCMs were split in to two flights for later tracking. The following changes were suggested and agreed to:
- Bale drive tools will be added to the Tools column for all fluid QD fit checks (will be added for all fluid QDs on all flights)
- S1 utility lines (item 9023 in the copy provided to the EVA AIT) will be further broken down to provide more detail. This line item was intended to cover contingency connector access for production break connectors
- A WIF fit check line item will be added to cover volumetric checks for the load alleviator
- Additional MOD inputs were incorporated without discussion.
There was a discussion about checking EVA labels. There is a line item on some of the MOD FCMs and not on others. This is similar to the sharp edge inspection column that was added as a generic change. CA/Fernando Ramos pointed out that a column wouldnt cover the general, non task-specific labels such as return to airlock labels. Ms. Patrick asked DX32/Chris Looper to provide a recommendation on whether a label line item should be added to each matrix, or a column. The recommendation will be added to all the fit check matrices.
12A, 12A.1, 13A FCMs
The EVA AIT ran out of time before the 12A, 13A FCM comments could be addressed. The only one who had comments was CA/Fernando Ramos. Mr. Ramos agreed to provide his comments off-line. Furthermore, the PG2 portion of the FCM was not included yet. PG2/Scott Boller had provided the PG2 portion of the FCMs, along with the 12A.1 FCM just prior to the EVA AIT. The EVA AIT agreed to the following plan for baselining the Boeing provided FCMs:
- Mr. Gray will update the 9A/11A FCMs and sent them within two days for distribution and review of the updates.
- Ms. Patrick will distribute the 9A and 11A matrices, along with the 12A.1 matrix when available, and all are requested to provide comments by September 11. They will be baselined on September 12.
- Mr. Ramos will provide 12A/13A inputs to Mr. Gray as soon as possible, and when those matrices are updated, Mr. Gray will send them to Ms. Patrick for distribution. A decision will be made as to whether there is enough time for review prior to September 12 to baseline them at that time.
Action Item Closure: AI-532 remains open until the September 12 review
Action Item 540: Provide recommendation on how to document label inspections in the fit check matrix (row, column or both)
Actionee: DX32/Chris Looper
Due Date: September 12, 2000
Method for Closure: Report to EVA AIT
Actionee: DX32/Chris Looper, CB/Fernando Ramos, NC/Stacie Greene
Due Date: September 12, 2000
Method for Closure: Report to EVA AIT
4. EVA standard ICD status follow-up discussion LMES/Steve Rogge, Ben Greene
The following information was reported.
65A: Mr. Rogge reported that he had an Email from PG1 stating the analysis from SSCN 3731 was complete and they could now concur with the PIRN. Mr. Rogge will check on the status of the PIRN with the program office and will provide for signature when all concurrences are ready
67: Mr. Greene reported that he would probably be responsible for updating this PIRN. There was a brief discussion on the history, and Mr. Greene agreed to provide a recommended revision on September 26
71: Mr. Rogge reported that the PIRN has been re-submitted with the informally agreed to updates. Mr. Rogge was not aware of the status since the PIRN had been re-submitted. He will report the status on September 26.
Mr. Rogge reported on the status of submitting PIRNs to include new EVA tools that are not currently documented in the ICD. The following PIRNs are ready for submittal:
- Right angle drive with 7/16" socket
- _" by _" Allen wrench
- Body Restraint Tether
The _" and 1" Bail Drive tools are ready for submittal, but are on hold until the 1-1/2" Bail Drive tool design is finalized. Ms. Patrick requested that the _" and 1" bail drive tool PIRNs be submitted now since they are required for current fit checks and verification activities.
There is no plan for submitting PIRNs for the remainder of the tools as yet undocumented. Mr. Rogge indicated they are attempting to assign someone to help with the ICD and will report any updates by September 12.
5. Upcoming Events/Future Agenda Review XA/Nancy Patrick, All
Ms. Patrick reviewed the preliminary EVA AIT agenda for September 12, 2000. Presenters are requested to confirm agenda topics by COB Thursday, September 9. This EVA AIT will be primarily devoted to addressing touch temperature concerns for the EMU on ISS hardware.