Status Report

NOAA GOES SATOPS Morning Report 5 September 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
September 5, 2000
Filed under

SATOPS MORNING REPORT – September 5, 2000


No change in the status of the DMSP spacecraft.

DMSP operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.


No change in the status of the POES spacecraft.

The NOAA-11 SBUV grating assembly began operating in a limited range
at approximately 23:52Z on Saturday, September 2.  It remained in
a limited operational state until approximately 04:43Z on Sunday, September
3, when it returned to its normal operational pattern.  The maximum
grating motor temperature reached was ~27 degrees C, and the temperature
began to drop when the range of motion returned to normal.  The total
time in the limited range was 3 hours 55 minutes, or ~2.5 orbits.

NOAA-14 rev 29240F – G5A received noisy from spacecraft with 73% of
the data received (completely recovered in rev 29242).  G1A received
noisy from spacecraft with 98% of the data received.  CEMSCS declined
a replay of G1A.

NOAA-14 rev 29242W – G1B received noisy from spacecraft with 89% of
the data received.  Recorder management prevented replay from the
spacecraft on subsequent revs.

NOAA-12 rev 48325F – G3A received noisy from spacecraft with 97% of
the expected data received.  Recorder management prevented replay
from the spacecraft on subsequent revs.

NOAA-12 rev 48353F – L2A and L4B were not received from the spacecraft. 
Both LACs played down from the spacecraft on MSB during this pass. 
In both cases, solid bit synch lock was observed, but no frame synch lock
(this has been observed in the past, and is sometimes referred to as a
“Mystery Playback”).  No data was ingested into the system, and no
data was available for post pass transfer.  Another recovery of L2A
was not possible, due to recorder scheduling limitations.  Another
attempt at recovering L4B on rev 48355 was also unsuccessful with the same

NOAA-14 rev 29282F – G1B received noisy from spacecraft with 71.5% of
the expected data received.  Recorder management prevented replay
from the spacecraft on subsequent revs.

POES operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.


No change in the status of the GOES spacecraft.

The GOES-8 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0414-0526Z and continues
through October 15th.  GOES-8 images cancelled for eclipse/KOZ – 0415,
0431, 0439, 0445, 0501, 0509, 0515, 0531, 0539, 0545Z and 0615Z. 
GOES-8 soundings cancelled for eclipse/KOZ – 0420, 0446, 0520, 0546 and
0620Z.  Full disk coverage during GOES-10 KOZ: 0815Z – 1044Z.

The GOES-10 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0816-0930Z and
continues through October 16th.  GOES-10 images cancelled for KOZ/eclipse: 
0815, 0822, 0830, 0845, 0852, 0900, 0930, 1022 and 1030Z.  GOES-10
soundings cancelled for KOZ/eclipse: 0801, 0824, 0901, 0924 and 1024Z. 
Full disk coverage during GOES-8 eclipse 0430Z – 0629Z.

The GOES-9 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0612-0724Z and continues
through October 15th.  GOES-9 remains in the Z-Axis Precession (ZAP)
storage mode.

The GOES-11 fall eclipse season occurs daily between 0619-0732Z and
continues through October 16th.  GOES-11 remains in the Z-Axis Precession
(ZAP) storage mode.

At 1602Z on Friday, September 1, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to address phasing error.

At 1732Z on Friday, September 1, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 1608Z, 1747Z, 1806Z, 1834Z, 1852Z,  1900Z and 2115Z on Friday,
September 1, GOES-10 frame breaks were observed and attributed to high
BER (unknown cause).

At 0248Z and 0337Z on Saturday, September 2, GOES-10 frame breaks were
observed and attributed to address phasing error.

At 1752Z, 1928Z and 1935Z on Saturday, September 2, GOES-10 frame breaks
were observed and attributed to RFI at CDA (unknown cause).

At 2339Z on Saturday, September 2, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to address phasing error.

Between 0006Z and 0438Z on Sunday, September 3, multiple GOES-10 frame
breaks were observed and attributed to high BER induced by severe thunderstorms.

At 1822Z on Sunday, September 3, a GOES-8 frame break was observed and
attributed to loss of signal synchronization.

At 1652Z on Sunday, September 3, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to high BER (unknown cause).

At 1832Z, 1850Z, 1901Z, 2008Z and 2057Z on Sunday, September 3, GOES-10
frame breaks were observed and attributed to high BER induced by severe

At 0450Z on Monday, September 4, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to RFI at CDA (unknown cause).

At 1048Z, 1258Z, 1430Z, 1533Z and 1904Z on Monday, September 4, GOES-10
frame breaks were observed and attributed to high BER induced by thunderstorms.

At 2246Z on Monday, September 4, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to RFI at CDA (unknown cause).

At 0308Z on Tuesday, September 5, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to BER at CDA (unknown cause).

At 0408Z and 0515Z on Tuesday, September 5, GOES-10 frame breaks were
observed and attributed to high BER induced by thunderstorms.

At 0653Z on Tuesday, September 5, a GOES-10 frame break was observed
and attributed to CMD I/O error.

GOES operations were nominal over the past 96 hours.


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