Status Report

NEAR Mission Status Report 04-21-2000

By SpaceRef Editor
April 21, 2000
Filed under

NEAR Shoemaker continued to operate nominally this past week in orbit around the asteroid 433 Eros.  NEAR Shoemaker remained in Operational Mode with Flight Computer #1 and Attitude Interface Unit #2 in control of spacecraft attitude.  The spacecraft instrument suite remained "ON" and operational this week.
NEAR Shoemaker is presently in a nominal 100 km circular orbit around Eros. The spacecraft will remain in this orbit conducting Science observations until April 22, 2000 at 17:50 UTC when Orbit Correction Maneuver 5 (OCM 5) will initiate a 100 km x 50 km transfer orbit.  Final burn parameters have been delivered and will be uploaded to NEAR Shoemaker tomorrow (DOY 112).
NEAR Shoemaker will remain in the 100 km x 50 km transfer orbit conducting Science observations until April 30, 2000 at 16:55 UTC when Orbit Correction Maneuver 6 (OCM 6) will circularize the orbit at 50 km.  Based on the performance of OCM 5, the nominal burn time for OCM 6 will be refined.
Science activities conducted this week included Eros observations by the full instrument suite: MSI, NIS, MAG, NLR and XGRS.  Please consult science timelines for more details.
Upcoming Spacecraft Activities:
In addition to regular Eros Science and Optical Navigation, the following are operationally significant activities planned for the NEAR Shoemaker mission operation:
April 22        Eros Orbit Correction Maneuver 5 (100 km  x  50 km transfer orbit)
April 30        Eros Orbit Correction Maneuver 6 (50 km orbit

SpaceRef staff editor.