2021 NIAC Symposium Update
Dear NIAC Listserv Community,
The NIAC program has determined that due to the rise in the Covid delta variant, it would not be safe to hold the 2021 NIAC Symposium face to face in Tucson, so this year’s Symposium will officially transition to a virtual event.
The NIAC Symposium can be easily accessed virtually via:
- NIAC SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE (updates coming soon)
https://www.nasa.gov/content/niac-symposium - REGISTRATION WEBSITE (updates coming soon)
There is no registration fee for the NIAC Symposium. Register here: https://cvent.me/Vn9990
The Symposium can be accessed live beginning on September 21, 2021 via Livestream here:www.livestream.com/viewnow/NIAC2021 - POSTERS & PRESENTATIONS (updates coming soon)
To view individual research Fellows’ posters and presentations, go here:
https://web.cvent.com/event/7ac47838-baae-4171-8277- cfbd643a3580/websitePage: cf89a6a7-a592-4928-acfa- 3220b785170a
Thank you,
The NIAC Team
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC)
Space Technology Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters – Washington, DC