Town Hall with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine – Monday, April 1, 1:30 p.m. EDT
Point of Contact: Bettina Inclán, Office of Communications, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-1600
Town Hall with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine – Monday, April 1, 1:30 p.m. EDT
Headquarters is hosting an agencywide town hall with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine on Monday, April 1, at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Please join the Administrator for this important discussion on our Moon to Mars plans.
All employees, contractors and civil servants, are encouraged to participate in person at Headquarters in the Webb auditorium or at the designated viewing location at their center. The event will air live on NASA Television (public channel), through your center cable or streaming distribution, and on the agency’s website at
You may submit questions for the Administrator securely from any computer or mobile device starting now and throughout the presentation.
To submit a question:
- Go to
townhall - Enter your Center.
- Click “Ask” or, if your question is already on the list, vote it up the list by clicking the arrow on the left.
As many questions as possible will be taken. Please plan to join the Administrator and your colleagues for this event.