Administrator Bridenstine Visit to Darmstadt, Germany
Today [13 December 2018] , Administrator Bridenstine arrived in Darmstadt, Germany. At the invitation of European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Jan Wörner, the Administrator addressed the ESA Council. He spoke directly to the heads of ESA Member State delegations on the importance of European participation in the U.S.-led Exploration Campaign.
The ESA Council is the organization’s governing body. It is comprised of space agency heads and senior government officials from ESA’s 22 Member States. Currently, the Council is preparing for the next Ministerial Council in November 2019. A Ministerial Council convenes once every three years to set ESA’s strategic direction and budget priorities.
Following his briefing to the ESA Council, the Administrator will participate in bilateral meetings with the French Space Agency (CNES) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). These meetings will focus on U.S. exploration plans and the continued collaboration between the two countries.