NASA Administrator Bridenstine Week Ahead
Today, the Administrator will travel to Ottawa, Canada. The primary focus of his visit will be meetings with senior Canadian officials on NASA’s Exploration Campaign. He will participate in an outreach event with engineering and STEM students alongside U.S. Ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft. This evening he will have dinner with Governor General Julie Payette.
Tomorrow, Administrator Bridenstine will meet with representatives from U.S. and Canadian space companies and Canadian Space Agency President Sylvain Laporte. Following these meetings, the Administrator will head to the AIAC Aerospace Summit where he will deliver the keynote address. In the afternoon, he will participate in a moderated Q&A with Navdeep Bains, the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development. Finally, he will meet with representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office before heading back to Washington, D.C.
On Thursday, the Administrator will address the Users’ Advisory Group (UAG) at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This is the second meeting of the UAG. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together a broad range of American leaders in education, industry, and government to come up with ideas and recommendations for the National Space Council.
On Friday, Administrator Bridenstine will be at Kennedy Space Center for an event marking the arrival from Bremen, Germany, of the European Service Module – the powerhouse that will supply NASA’s Orion spacecraft with electricity, propulsion, thermal control, air and water.
Director General of the European Space Agency Jan Wörner, as well as other senior leaders from NASA and ESA will join Administrator Bridenstine. They will discuss the international cooperation needed to send humans to the Moon and Mars. The event will air live on NASA Television and