The global distribution of active Ionian Volcanoes and implications for tidal heating models
Julie A. Rathbun, Rosaly M. C. Lopes, John R. Spencer
(Submitted on 1 Oct 2018)
Tidal heating is the major source of heat in the outer Solar System. Because of its strong tidal interaction with Jupiter and the other Galilean Satellites, Io is incredibly volcanically active. We use the directly measured volcanic activity level of Io’s volcanoes as a proxy for surface heat flow and compare to tidal heating model predictions. Volcanic activity is a better proxy for heat flow than simply the locations of volcanic constructs. We determine the volcanic activity level using three data sets: Galileo PPR, Galileo NIMS, and New Horizons LEISA. We also present a systematic reanalysis of the Galileo NIMS observations to determine the 3.5 micron brightness of 51 active volcanoes. We find that potential differences in volcanic style between high and low latitudes make high latitude observations unreliable in distinguishing between tidal heating models. Observations of Io’s polar areas, such as those by JUNO, are necessary to unambiguously understand Io’s heat flow. However, all three of the data sets examined show a relative dearth of volcanic brightness near 180 W (anti-Jovian point) and the equator and the only data set with good observations of the sub-Jovian point (LEISA) also shows a lack of volcanic brightness in that region. These observations are more consistent with the mantle-heating model than the asthenospheric-heating model. Furthermore, all three of the data sets are consistent with four-fold symmetry in longitude and peak heat flow at mid-latitudes, which best matches with the combined heating case of Tackley et al. (2001).
Comments: 20 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)
Cite as: arXiv:1810.00725 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:1810.00725v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Submission history
From: Julie Rathbun
[v1] Mon, 1 Oct 2018 14:38:04 GMT (3653kb)