Exocartographer: A Bayesian Framework for Mapping Exoplanets in Reflected Light
Ben Farr, Will M. Farr, Nicolas B. Cowan, Hal M. Haggard, Tyler Robinson
(Submitted on 19 Feb 2018)
Future space telescopes will directly image extrasolar planets at visible wavelengths. Time-resolved reflected light from an exoplanet encodes information about atmospheric and surface inhomogeneities. Previous research has shown that the light curve of an exoplanet can be inverted to obtain a low-resolution map of the planet, as well as constraints on its spin orientation. Estimating the uncertainty on 2D albedo maps has so far remained elusive. Here we present exocartographer, a flexible open-source Bayesian framework for solving the exo-cartography inverse problem. The map is parameterized with equal-area HEALPix pixels. For a fiducial map resolution of 192 pixels, a four-parameter Gaussian process describing the spatial scale of albedo variations, and two unknown planetary spin parameters, exocartographer explores a 198-dimensional parameter space. To test the code, we produce a light curve for a cloudless Earth in a face-on orbit with a 90$^\circ$ obliquity. We produce synthetic white light observations of the planet: 5 epochs of observations throughout the planet’s orbit, each consisting of 24 hourly observations with a photometric uncertainty of $1\%$ (120 data). We retrieve an albedo map and$-$for the first time$-$its uncertainties, along with spin constraints. The albedo map is recognizably of Earth, with typical uncertainty of $30\%$. The retrieved characteristic length scale is 88$\pm 7 ^\circ$, or 9800 km. The obliquity is recovered with a $1-\sigma$ uncertainty of $0.8^\circ$. Despite the uncertainty in the retrieved albedo map, we robustly identify a high albedo region (the Sahara desert) and a large low-albedo region (the Pacific Ocean).
Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM)
Cite as: arXiv:1802.06805 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:1802.06805v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Submission history
From: Ben Farr
[v1] Mon, 19 Feb 2018 19:00:43 GMT (260kb,D)