NASA ROSES-16 Amendment 49: Release of H-LWS 2017 Draft Text
ROSES-16 Amendment 49: This amendment releases draft text for ROSES-2017 program element B.6 Heliophyiscs – Living With a Star.
The Living With a Star (LWS) Program emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the Sun and Earth’s space environment that affect life and society. The ultimate goal of the LWS program is to provide a scientific understanding of the system, almost to the point of predictability, of the space weather conditions at Earth and the interplanetary medium, as well as the Sun-climate connection.
The stated goal of LWS, that of achieving an understanding of those aspects of the Sun-Solar System that have direct impact on life and society, poses two great challenges for the LWS program. First, the program must tackle large-scale problems that cross discipline and technique boundaries (e.g., data analysis, theory, modeling, etc.); and second, the program must identify how this new understanding will have a direct impact on life and society. Over time, the Targeted Investigations provide advances in scientific understanding to address these challenges.
The Targeted Investigations element this year consists of three Focused Science Topics (FSTs):
1) Understanding The Onset of Major Solar Eruptions;
2) Toward a Systems Approach to Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport on the Sun and in the Heliosphere;
3) Ion Circulation and Effects on the Magnetosphere and Magnetosphere – Ionosphere Coupling;
4) Understanding Physical Processes in the Magnetosphere – Ionosphere/Thermosphere/ Mesosphere System During Extreme Events.
A draft version of the ROSES-2017 program element B.6 Heliophyiscs – Living With a Star will appear on the NSPIRES web page for ROSES-2016 B.6 under the 2016 text with “DRAFT ROSES-2017” in the title.
The public is invited to send comments on this draft program element to both Jeff Morrill at and Elsayed Talaat at by January 9, 2017.?