American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Call for Nominations
Dear Members of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR):
This email is a call for nominations to fill our upcoming vacancies on the Governing Board and for President-Elect.
Our Society is governed by a 12-member Governing Board elected for three-year terms. The terms of four members will expire in November 2015. In addition, we will need to choose a President-Elect for 2017.
If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself) for a position on the Governing Board, or wish to nominate a possible president-elect, please forward their name and a few sentences of bio about the individual to Jobi Cook at by Monday, September 14th. Candidates selected for the ballot will be contacted by Dr. April Ronca, chair of the nominating committee, to verify their willingness to serve if elected. Once we have a slate of candidates finalized, we will distribute an electronic ballot to all members of the society and the results of the election will be announced on the first day of the 31st meeting of ASGSR, Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 in Alexandria, VA.
To be considered as a nominee for a board position, you must be a regular or a retired member in good standing of ASGSR.
Thank you all for your continued active membership and participation with ASGSR and I look forward to seeing everyone in Alexandria.
April Ronca
ASGSR President 2016