Status Report

Earth’s Redox Revolution: Solid Earth Processes

By SpaceRef Editor
August 6, 2015
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AGU 2015 Session – D1005: Earth’s Redox Revolution: Solid Earth Processes, Abstract Submission Deadline August 5th
Primary Convener: Christy B. Till, Arizona State University, School of Earth & Space Exploration

Convener: Ariel D Anbar, Arizona State University


James Kasting, Penn State
Catherine McCammon, University of Bayreuth
Zachary Sharp, University of New Mexico
Dustin Trail, University of Rochester
Session ID#: 9033

Session Description:

This session explores early solid Earth processes that could have consequences for the evolution of the redox state of the biosphere. Differentiation and cooling of the planet during its first two billion years likely resulted in shifts in interior dynamics, magma formation, and degassing,and consequently surface redox evolution. However, these processes and their connections to redox evolution are debated. We invite submissions from a wide range of disciplines that expand our understanding of early Earth’s solid interior, its evolution, and the implications for surface redox conditions including contributions from modeling, experiments, and analytical studies.

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SpaceRef staff editor.