Status Report

Release of NASA Planetary Data System Discipline Nodes Cooperative Agreement Notice

By SpaceRef Editor
March 5, 2015
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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) soliciting team-based proposals for participation in the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) as Discipline Nodes.

The goal of this CAN is to maintain a federated archive of planetary science data, curated by discipline experts.  The current Discipline Nodes were initially selected competitively in 2003. 

Issuance of this CAN is dependent on programmatic factors, including NASA receiving an appropriation and operating plan containing adequate funding within the NASA Planetary Science Division budget.  Any costs incurred by prospective investigators in preparing submissions in response to this CAN are incurred completely at the submitter’s own risk. 

A preproposal conference will be held no less than 2 weeks after release of the CAN to provide interested parties with the opportunity to better understand the intent, scope, and selection criteria of this CAN. Information about the preproposal conference will be posted at Programmatic questions regarding this solicitation should be submitted in writing or via E-mail no later than 10 days prior to the proposal due date to:

Planetary Data System Program Scientist

Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters

300 E Street SW Washington, DC 20546

Phone:  (202) 358-1766



Note that, where appropriate, questions and answers will be made publicly available at the website on which this CAN is posted.  It is the responsibility of interested proposers to check for such information priorto the submission of their proposals.

Anticipated PDS Discipline Nodes CAN Schedule:

CAN Release Date ……………………………………………………… March 5, 2015

Preproposal Conference ……………………………………………… March 18, 2015 (1130 ET)

Step 1 Proposals Due …………………………………………………. April 17, 2015 (1700 ET)

Step 2 Proposals Due …………………………………………………. June 1, 2015 (1700 ET)

Selection Announcement ……………………………………………… September 4, 2015 (target)

Awards Start ………………………………………………………………. October 31, 2015 (target)

SpaceRef staff editor.