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NASA ARC Internal Memo: A Video Message from the Center Director

By SpaceRef Editor
April 10, 2013
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NASA ARC Internal Memo: A Video Message from the Center Director

Subject: A Video Message from the Center Director.
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: April 10, 2013

A Video Message from the Center Director.

Centerwide Video Message from Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden. FY14 NASA Budget. April 10, 2013.

You may also view the Director’s video message on:

To Ames Employees:

Hi, I’m Pete Worden and I’m here to talk to you – my fellow Ames employees – about how NASA’s Fiscal Year 2014 budget will affect our center.


NASA’s proposed budget announced this morning proposes $733 million in spending at Ames, $22 million more than FY2013. The FY14 budget proposal for the agency and Ames is a strong sign of support from the administration of the programs and projects being worked by NASA.

As you know, we’re in a very challenging budget period. This proposed increase in funding allows Ames to build on our history and our successes and continue as NASA’s center for innovation and creativity.

This budget includes funding for developing the first-ever mission to identify, capture and relocate an asteroid in 2025. I am very excited about this mission. It advances NASA’s advanced exploration and technology development goals, leverages our existing efforts and benefits future exploration objectives for carrying humans further into space than ever before. With Ames proven expertise in human factors, entry, descent and landing and developing affordable technologies, I believe we are well positioned to play a key role in this very exciting mission.

Science: Later this year, we anticipate the successful launch of the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer Observatory, or LADEE. This robotic mission will orbit the moon to gather detailed information about the lunar atmosphere, conditions near the surface and environmental influences on lunar dust. We’re looking forward to learning what dust is like on the moon.

SOFIA: Ames leads science observations for NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) featuring the largest telescope ever to fly on an airplane. This year, SOFIA will see new science observations of star formation regions along with ongoing development of the airborne observatory.

The Kepler mission continues to find thousands of new planets around distant stars. Once the mission is completed, Kepler will have determined the frequency of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of their parent stars, laying the foundation for the Agency’s future efforts in characterizing, and eventually imaging, extrasolar planets.

This year promises even more amazing discoveries from Kepler. Stay tuned for more exciting news from this extremely successful–and Ames managed–mission!

I’m also proud that Ames is a major partner in NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (or TESS), which recently was approved for launch in 2017, and carries on the legacy of the Kepler mission.

Other budget highlights include:

Aeronautics: (Increased from $128.1 to $131.1 million). This budget support Ames contributions to NexGen, aviation safety, environmentally responsible aviation advancing innovative concepts for aeronautics and air traffic management. Ames continues to advance concepts and technologies for efficient national airspace operations and increase autonomous systems. Ames is also developing tools to analyze aviation data for safety and improve human performance.

Space Technology: (Increased from $81.2 million to $103.1 million) We see an increase in this budget for funding for small spacecraft technology demonstration to support future awards and exploration technology development work in entry systems.

Increase from $3 million to $37.8 million in construction and environmental compliance restoration for demolition and environmental restoration projects.

Exploration: (increase from 52.8 million of $58.5 million) This increase is for the Orion Multi-purpose Crew vehicle, human research program and advance exploration systems.

Education: The Administration is launching a bold reorganization of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, or STEM. NASA fully supports this consolidation of education activities. Our programs here at Ames, such as FIRST Robotics, have had notable success. In addition to our contributions to this new approach, Ames’s expanding achievements in space exploration, technological innovation and scientific discovery will continue to play a strong role in educating the public and inspiring students to become engaged in the STEM disciplines.

IN CONCLUSION, I’m proud that with this budget, Ames will continue our leadership in thermal protection for entry, descent and landing technology; information technology; high-performance computing; intelligent robotics and systems; air traffic management; biology and biotechnology; human factors; Earth, space and life sciences; next generation aviation improvements; and small spacecraft missions.

Next year, in 2014, Ames will celebrate its 75th anniversary. The future promises to be challenging but exhilarating. Our talented and dedicated employees have and will continue to play a vital role in NASA’s many successes. We will also continue to help this country make advancements toward the capabilities and missions of tomorrow.

More information on the budget can be found at:

Godspeed NASA, Godspeed Ames!
Director S. Pete Worden

SpaceRef staff editor.