Status Report

NASA SMD Amendment to Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics

By SpaceRef Editor
December 7, 2012
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This is an amendment to Solicitation Number NNH13ZDA002L, “Request for Information – Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics,” formerly posted on November 27, 2012. Potential responders to the original RFI should take note of the following revisions and clarifications:

(1) The scope of admissible astrophysics objectives is expanded such that only objectives of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) stipulated in the 2010 National Research Council (NRC) decadal survey are excluded.

Thus, the goal statement in the original Solicitation is amended to read: “The goal of the overall study is to gather and assess concepts for possible utilization of the recently acquired systems for Agency goals aligned with five principal areas: space technology, human exploration and operations, heliophysics, planetary science, and astrophysics (excluding objectives aligned with those recommended by the NRC 2010 astrophysics decadal survey for the proposed WFIRST observatory).”

(2) All abstract submissions must be in English.

NASA has posted Agency goals, guidance and technical information about the space optics systems at the SALSO website, Complete information on submission of concepts and other details regarding SALSO activities are also posted at this site. Respondents and other interested persons should check the site often for pertinent information and updates.

Point of Contact

Name: W. George Fletcher
Title: SALSO Project Manager
Phone: 256-544-5151
FAX: 256-544-5422

SpaceRef staff editor.