Status Report

Community Input Requested on the Concepts for Planetary Science from a Balloon-based Observatory

By SpaceRef Editor
April 30, 2012
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NASA’s Planetary Science Division is seeking community input on the potential planetary science that could be achieved from a stratospheric balloon observatory. A workshop to discuss platform capabilities, recent balloon missions for other NASA SMD divisions, and potential planetary science applications was held at NASA GRC in late January, 2012. Efforts to date have resulted in over 40 concepts for planetary science this platform may perform.

The next phase of this effort is to solicit review and comments from the broader planetary community. Your participation is crucial to ensure that the ideas put forward are the best they can be and are reflective of the needs and desires of the broad planetary community.

To review the information relevant to your science interests and provide comments, suggestions, and new ideas, by COB April 30th, please go to:

Thank you in advance for you participation.

SpaceRef staff editor.