Status Report

NASA ARC Maker Camp

By SpaceRef Editor
August 3, 2011
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Event Date: August 4-5, 2011
Location: TBD/Virtual – Check website for details.
Audience: All welcome, especially students!
Web: (NASA-only access)

Maker Camp is an effort stemming from the burgeoning NASA Forward group targeted at engaging the work force in fast, hyper-local projects that advance NASA’s mission and vision. Based on the “Maker” culture, the concept is to gather interested individuals and go about creating something new. Several centers have already conducted their Maker Camps, focusing on 2 to 3 activities ranging from physical creations to process improvements.

To experiment with this concept, Ames is virtually joining forces with JSC in Houston to create a loosely organized and informal cross-cultural event focusing on engaging our student populations on a few relevant projects. It is hoped that you yourselves will have concepts for bettering NASA that you would like to explore with your peers locally and at JSC. There will also be a number of “seed” concepts or projects where students can contribute their perspectives and talents. Examples include the design of a collaborative working space, exploring how to make internal communication more effective, and discussion of how to conduct virtual tours of NASA Ames Sustainability Base.

The event will begin with virtual Round Robin overviews of the various projects or activities proposed. Groups will form around these focal points and disburse to begin “making.” We will reconvene on the second day to share findings. The exact schedule will be posted on the website, and modified as needed by the makers.

* Duration. Time commitments will vary with each project, but attendees may arrive or depart as schedules dictate (we would rather have some of your time than none at all).
* Expectations. The only expectation is to arrive with imagination and curiosity.
* Benefits. Attendees will be exposed to stimulating conversation on what is possible. We will contribute to NASA in meaningful ways and forge new collaborations and friendships with peers at both sites.

We hope you will be able to join us for this event. Please spread the word, especially to students working around the center. If you have ideas you would like to explore, have any other thoughts or questions, or just want to let us know you’re interested, please contact

We look forward to seeing you!

SpaceRef staff editor.