Status Report

Deadline Alert for AOGS Session: Outer planets and Icy Worlds (PS.06)

By SpaceRef Editor
March 14, 2011
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Annual Meeting of the AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society)
Taipei, Taiwan August 8-12, 2011
Abstract deadline: March 15, 2011

This session will be devoted to outer planet satellites, including Io
and icy worlds large (e.g. Titan) and small (e.g. Enceladus), rings
and icy dwarf planets. The session will include
solicited, contributed, and poster presentations addressing
observational, laboratory, and theoretical studies relevant to past,
ongoing, and future missions. Relevant topics include:
(1) interior structure, composition and thermal evolution,
(2) surface geology and composition,
(3) composition and dynamics of neutral atmospheres
(4) orbital dynamics and satellite interactions,
(5) structure and dynamics of planetary rings,
(6) physical properties of ring particles and small satellites of
outer planet satellites.


Dr. Steve Vance (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, United States)

SpaceRef staff editor.