Status Report

Request for Input on USGS/ISIS Software Support for Additional Planetary Imaging Instruments

By SpaceRef Editor
March 14, 2011
Filed under ,

We request your vote on which additional instruments should be supported by USGS/ISIS 3 software. The results will help us to prioritize planetary imaging instruments for development of ISIS 3 camera models. Such models allow ingestion and map projection of image data in ISIS 3 and facilitate the use of other ISIS 3 software for calibration, photometric correction, mosaicking and other cartographic data processing. Please respond by April 8, 2011.

To provide input, please first register at the ISIS Support site: index.php?action=register

If you already have an ISIS Support account the direct link is: topic,3066.0.html

For more information on ISIS 3 (including which instruments are already supported), see:

SpaceRef staff editor.