USRA Research Opportunities Program
Dear Colleague,
Looking for new research opportunities? The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is offering a great way for researchers to connect directly with other researchers at universities, in industry, and at federal centers through its USRA Research Opportunities Program (ROP). USRA Research Institutes, Centers, and Programs are currently located at six NASA centers and a DOE National Laboratory. All have very active research programs and are closely engaged with federal staff and local industry. They also help manage many technical conferences and workshops across a diverse range of space disciplines.
Interested individuals may register at the Research Opportunities Program’s website in order to select various research topics about which they are interested. Information about research opportunities will be e-mailed to all individuals who have registered to receive notifications in the specific topic areas.
For more information , please contact
Hussein Jirdeh
USRA Headquarters
10211 Wincopin Circle, Suite 500
Columbia MD 21044-3432
tel: 410-740-6211
Universities Space Research Association is an Equal Opportunity Employer.